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Q: Does blood go from your head to your stomach for digestion?
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Into your stomach, then through your intestine, then out your rear

How do you go pale?

You usually go pale when your sick/Ill. This is for the body pumps less blood to the head and more blood to where the sickness is located, ( usually in the stomach ). Some Less blood in the head makes you loose your natural skin colour. Hope i Helpedd

Where does food go from the stomach?

Its go to our digestion system and from there it come to ans

Can your stomach move as if it were a baby but not be pregnant?

Yes ... Go to the dr it might be a baby or tape werms

Does digestion help grind food into smaller pieces?

Digestion helps the food go through your system. The food then sits at the bottom of your stomach until it comes out as waste.

How does digestion take place in your mouth?

Chemical Digestion takes place in your mouth Because you have to make it softer by chewing it. While you chew it, your saliva (your spit) breaks it down even smaller! By then, it will be small enough to go to your stomach. Because your stomach can't chew your food.

Where does the blood go after it leaves the head?

to the heart

Why are the stomach and mouth near to the start of the digestive system?

This is because the mouth mechanically chew up your food for it to be safely swallowed and go through the stomach for it to digest. After it have been digested the digestive system will absorb the nutrients an acids for our body to function. Then the food has to come out and the digestion has been done.

How long does it take for digestion to take place in the stomach and small intestine?

It takes 20 hewers for food to go through your digestive system

What do your kidneys do for your body?

filter out the things that your body doesnt need and turns the rest over to the bladder to be used for waste.

How long can a person survive standing on their head?

as long as the blood doesnt go to their head

Is there blood involved in the digestive system?

No. The digestive system is strictly for eating and disposing that food. There is no blood in your stomach (or at least, there is not supposed to be), but there are blood vessels that go around the organs in your digestive system. However, the blood does not go through them.