

Does blood pump through anus

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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there are veins in your anus so yes

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Q: Does blood pump through anus
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Do arteries pump blood to your body?

No the heart pumps the blood but it does pump the blood through the arteries.

What cause the blood to flow through the blood vessels?

The heart is a pump and move blood through the blood vessels.

What pump blood through your body?

the heart!

Which ventricles contract blood is pumped?

The left ventricle contracts to pump blood through the systemic circulation. The right ventricle contracts to pump blood through the pulmonary circuit.

does the heart pump through out the body blood?


How the heart beat?

To pump blood through the body

How does the heart pump your blood?

Your heart contracts, forcing your blood out your aorta, and through your body.

What happen to the food as it passes through the anus?

Nothing. Food doesn't pass through the anus. Waste passes through the anus.

Why is the human heart important?

to pump blood through out your body.

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to pump blood through out the heart

What tissues pump blood through the body?

the heart and muscles

How do you inflate your stomach?

To inflate ur stomach you have to pump air in to it. One way is through the mouth or through the anus. Personally it is easier to go in through the anus. It although might hurt a bit but it goes away very shortly after it. I did do it it once and it hurt but it went away. Hope this helps.