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No not at all. Personalities are always different from one person to the next. Blood Type has absolutely and positively nothing to do with personality. No two people are alike.

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Q: Does blood type affect peoples personalities?
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Does having a certain blood type have an effect on one's personality.?

Some cultures believe that blood type can have an affect on our personalities. For instance, the Japanese culture believes that blood type is as important as a horoscope in determining personalities. Would you describe yourself as calm, outgoing or shy? Determine your blood type and compare with your personality to see if this idea holds true for you.

Are all personalities classified by blood types, or is it just Type O blood that has a different personality?

Blood type personalities is believed to have originated, and is mostly prominent, in Japan and other Asian countries.Each of the four blood types (A,B,AB,and O) has different personalities attributed to them, not just O.

Does my blood type affect my personality?

No. Your blood type does not affect your personality. This is a myth. The falacy is that type O people are easy going, but that is not true. I know a lot of type O people who are intense, reclusive, and etc. types of personalities. Personality is determined by biological factors such as hormones present at birth and brain neurology as well as adapted by environmental factors.

Does blood type affect weight loss?

No your blood type should have absolutely no affect on your ability to loose weight. Your blood type is determined by antigens in your blood. These should not affect lipid cells or metabolism, which is what affets weight.

Will a blood type quiz affect your blood?

A blood type quiz will not affect your blood. The tests are run on blood samples taken from the patient and the blood is not returned to the body, but is discarded.

Does your blood type affect your body heat?

temperature blood type

Are grandparents blood type can affect their grandchildrens blood type?

No it only depends on your parents blood type

How do cultural stereotypes affect peoples point of view?

Cultural stereotypes affect peoples point of view because it inhibits you from seeing any other type of view.

Almost all of the native peoples of the Americas have what blood type?

Blackfoot people have an unusually high percentage of type A blood.

What are the details of ab blood type personality?

The details of an AB blood type are that it is combined with type A and type B antigens. It doesn't mean mch more than that, and there aren't different types of personalities. It's a biological explanation.

Why does Orochimaru ask Kabuto if he has Type-A Blood?

In Japanese culture your personality is said to be deeply tied to your blood type. Different blood types portray different personalities.

Can you test your personality by your blood type?

There may be similarities between blood types and personalities, but nothing has been proven statistically thus far. You can go to your doctor or local blood bank to find out your blood type. It should also be listed on your birth certificate.