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Yes. Blue light has a shorter wavelength, and therefore a higher frequency, than red light.

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Q: Does blue light have travel at a different frequency than red light in the same medium?
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How does the prism separate white light into colors?

It is due to the differing frequencies of colors of light. The different frequencies of light actually travel at different speeds,through a medium such as glass. When the light enters glass at an angle, the different speeds of each frequency cause the light to bend. Each color exits the glass at their own unique angle and separate.

Can light be transmitted with or without a medium?

Light can travel with and without a medium.

Is vacuum a medium of light?

Light can travel through vacuum, but it is not a medium.

Why light travels in absence of medium?

Cause light is a wave of moving particles (photons) that travel through different mediums but a medium is not needed to produce light, energy is. The speed, frequency and wave length all change with changing mediums. ie when u put a pool net in the water and look down the shaft it looks bent, this is the light entering a diff medium and changing speed and direction.

Which wave characteristics remain unchanged when a wave crosses a boundary into a different medium?

The frequency of the light remains unchanged as it depends on the source of the light rather than the medium its traveling in.

Which requires a physical medium in which to travel light or sound?

it is sound that requires a medium to travel .. light is an electromagnetic wave doesn't require a medium..

How light will travel from medium air to silver?

Light will not travel into silver.

Does light need a medium through which to travel?

No, it does not. It can travel through any open space. Sound, unlike light, needs a medium to travel. So light can travel through outer space but sound cannot because there is no medium.

Why frequency of light never change when light changes medium?

When light enters another medium it changes speed, but thewavelength changes correspondingly so that the frequency does not change. For example, if light enters a medium where its speed is cut in half, then the wavelength will also be reduced by half.

Does the wave nature of light states that light needs a medium through which to travel in different waves?

Light been found as electromagnetic wave does not need any material medium to get propagated. Even in free space (vacuum) it is able to travel.

Why frequency of light is not change When it enter from a rarer medium to denser medium?

Frequency is a function of the energy level of the photon. Changing the medium does not change that energy level.

Who can we say light does not need to travel in medium?

how can we say light does not need light to travel