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No, blue veins does not mean you are dieing blue veins mean that the vein is carrying de-oxygenated blood which is being carried from the heart to the lungs to be turned into an oxygenated red artery because the lungs fill the blood up with oxygen.

tip: oxygenated blood is a bright red

de-oxygenated blood is a dull red

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What does the blue blood in your veins mean?

That you are a human.

When was Blue Veins created?

Blue Veins was created in 1999.

What does it mean when the veins under your tongue turn blue?

The veins under your tongue don't turn blue, they just are blue. Blood is blue in color before it meets air; once it has it turns blood red.

What is the color of your veins?

the color of your veins is blue

What are the veins in human body?

the veins are blue.

What to do when veins turn blue?

Nothing - it's when your veins aren't blue that there's a problem.

Is the blood in your veins really blue and purple or does it just look that way?

Blood is blue in your veins!

He had blue blood in his veins?

A blood seems blue in veins because when a blood is in veins they are low in oxygen and therefore look blue. When they get oxygenated, they become red and are carried by the artery.

Are blue veins in your hands bad?

No, it is not bad. Every one has the same kind of veins in their hands. This is a normal thing to have.

Are monkeys blue-blooded?

Blood is not blue. That found in veins are slightly darker than those found in arteries (usually). You may have seen drawings in which the veins are blue but is just to indicate that these blue vessels are veins.

What kind of blood enters the veins?

they enter the blue veins

If a person doesn't exercise will they get blue veins and Can they die?

Not every person who doesn't exercise will get blue veins