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Well first of all we get body odor even when we aren't going through puberty. However, if there is an increase and it seems abnormal (not normal) then yes, you may very likely be in puberty.

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Q: Does body odor indicate puberty
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Does body odor mean puberty?

In most of the cases , yes. Body odour is a sign of puberty.

Does perspiration cause body odor?

Usually after puberty yes.

You used to not have body odor but you suddenly have body odor and from then on you have body odor does it mean you have started puberty?

You do indeed begin to have body odors upon puberty. This is the point where you need to really begin washing carefully - once a day, and be sure you wash everywhere, even between folds of skin.

What does puberty indicate?

Puberty is nothing but a span of rapid growth of body . It indicates that the time has come to start sexual development. At the end of puberty, the body is mature to bear child

What changes should i expect after the first sigh of body odor in my 9 year old boy?

If you are 100% sure it is body odor and not just sweat, then your son could possibly have started puberty, but because he is at a young age ask him if he has underarm or pubic hair, if yes, then he has defiantly started puberty. and he could possibly finish puberty at 13 or 14

What are health issues in puberty?

odor acne

When do know when you start your puberty?

Acne, girls get periods and develop breasts more, boys get deeper voices and have more body odor......Check out

Which gland are responsible for odor and begin secreting at puberty?

Sweat glands are always working even when you are a child. but you sweat more during puberty and the sweat actually has no odor. It smells when it hits the bacteria on the skin.

You started having body odor and your nipples hurt when you touch them and you have not started puberty have you started puberty?

Yes this will be the begining. Just spend a little longer in the bathroom washing yourself and all will be well. Ask mom for any advice you may need.

At what age do boys produce body odor?

Boys and girls start producing body odor when they start sweating. Sweating is a "secondary sexual trait," so it starts when you start puberty. Hair grows in your pubic area, face and underarms, grows coarser on arms and legs, Sweat glands are developing also.

Does HPV give semen a bad odor?

No it will not indicate HPV.

if you are a 13-year-old boy, do you need deodorant?

Yes, body odor does start around that age so I recommend using it