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Killing ants with boric acid.

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Q: Does boric acid kill carpenter ants?
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Will boric acid kill a cat?

People would often use boric acid to kill ants. Yes, boric acid could kill a cat as it contains harmful toxins.

Does boric acid kill yellow jackets?

Yes... I just killed something with boric acid.

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What is the formula using boric acid for a potion that will kill ants?

One part boric acid to 4-5 parts jelly, honey, or other item ants are drawn to. I usually put it in an old bottle cap. It lasts for a few days, then the ants will avoid it, so if you get new ones, you have to make up a new batch. I also found that by switching what I was putting it into, it worked quicker on subsequent invasions.

What is the powder used to kill bees?

The type of powder that is used to kill bees is called boric acid. Boric acid also works will for killing beetles and roaches.

Would bleach and water mixed together kill ants outside?

Bleach and hot water mixed together will kills some ants outside in your yard,however, it won't get to the source of the problem and kill the colony. Boric acid would be much stronger to eradicate an ant problem.

How do you kill pavement ants in brick patios?

Pavement ants can cause damage to brick patios by building their nests under the pavers. To kill pavement ants you can create a mixture of 1 cup boric acid to 1/2 cup sugar. Use the mixture on areas you see noticeable amounts of ants in a sparing manner. Save the remaining mixture for treatment later.

Does Borax kill ants?

Kind of, it mostly keeps them from coming/coming back. Edit: Borax is the active ingredient in a number of commercial ant killing products, including Terro Liquid Ant Baits. It interferes with their metabolism, but kills relatively slowly, so that the bait is transported back to the colony and distributed to other ants. I don't know what concentration of household borax would be required to kill pests, but the stuff IS used commercially for this purpose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some places on the internet say to mix 20 Mule Team borax with sugar. I always found it was sufficient just to sprinkle some in their trails without mixing it with anything. It takes about a week. I had ants in the kitchen this spring. I found what I assume WAS the nest, but I have no more ants. Is all I did is sprinkle some borax along the kitchen baseboards. This doesn't work with carpenter ants in my experience.

Where can you buy boric acid for homemade insecticide?

You can buy Boric Acid in Wal-Mart and similar stores. It is usually in the first aid section. Do not buy Borax, which is not the same thing and will not kill fleas.

Is boric acid safe to use on preg dog for fleas?

NO! Boric acid can be quite toxic. Talk to the vet about the best way to handle this, they have some medicines that are safe, but this is no time to try anything without medical supervision.

How do you make a roach repellent?

I've read that Cat nip and Bay leaves are an effective repellent. Also, Boric acid is supposed to kill all roaches because they take the boric acid back to their nests...

Can boric acid kill dog mange?

I don't know about that, but burnt motor oil will. It will be messy, but it works.