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Q: Does boron has a bigger eletronegativity than nitrogen?
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What has two more protons than boron?

Boron has 5 protons and Nitrogen has 7.

Is boron atomicly bigger or smaller than Oxygen?

Boron has a larger atomic radius but a smaller atomic mass.

Is there anything lighter than oxygen?

In fact there are seven elements lighter than oxygen: hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon and nitrogen.

Why in a water molecule is the oxygen atom bigger then the nitrogen atom?

First of all, there is no nitrogen in a water molecule. A water molecule consists of one oxygen atom combined with two hydrogen atoms. Also known as H2O. However, it is also true that an oxygen atom is slightly bigger than a nitrogen atom. Oxygen has one more proton, and one more electron than nitrogen does. Neutron quantities vary, since there is more than one isotope of both oxygen and nitrogen.

Why the chlorine does not form hydrogen bond as the nitrogen do in spite the chlorine is more electronegative than nitrogen?

Size of Cl atom is bigger than size of N atom. Electronegativity difference is .12 which is negligible.

What element has a atomic number lower than alumimum?

There are 12 such elements and they are hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium and magnesium.

Is chlorine more dense than boron?

At room temperature chlorine is a gas, boron is a solid. So at room temperature boron is much denser than chlorine.

Which element is lighter among these carbon boron uranium?

Boron is lighter than carbon and uranium.

Can boron kill you?

Boron is safe if given in the recommended dose. Doctors recommend taking no more than 20 milligrams of boron per day.

Is nitrogen bigger than oxygen?

They both have the same amount. NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide) has one Nitrogen atom. NO (Nitrogen Monoxide) also has one Nitrogen atom. However, nitrogen monoxide has a higher % nitrogen in the molecule both by mole % and weight %.

What is harder than boron nitride?


In the same period name one atom larger than carbon name one smaller?

The covalent atomic radius of carbon is 70 pm; oxygen has 60 pm and lithium 140 pm.