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Q: Does botulism have airborne spores
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Are spores air born?

Spores them selves are NOT airborne, but the 'dust' from them are

What are thick walled cells of botulism?

Spores or Endospores.

What are thick cells of botulism bacteria called?

Spores or Endospores.

What are thick-walled cells of botulism bacteria called?

Spores or Endospores.

What are thick wall cells of botulism bacteria called?

Spores or Endospores.

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It is caused by the inhalation of airborne spores of the fungus Aspergillus

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Mold consists of spores. Spores spread by becoming airborne.

How do Aspergillus spores enter the body?

Airborne Aspergillus spores enter the body primarily through inhalation but can also lodge in the ear or eye

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look what kind of question is that asl ??

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Aeromicrobiology is the study of occurrence and spread of airborne microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria and the spores of bacteria and fungi.

Can you get Botulism from spoiled hot dogs?

Botulism is an anaerobic bacteria - this means it can grow without air. This is why botulism can be contracted from eating canned foods that have been dented or home canned goods, such as tomatoes, that have not been prepared properly. Once exposed to air, over time, these botulin spores die. This is one reason why you should not smell a freshly opened can of food; the botulin spores can be inhaled into your lungs and cause illness. It is unlikely that you could get botulism from eating hot dogs that have not been canned and that have been exposed to the air. It is more likely you could get a gastroenteritis from eating spoiled hot dogs that may have been left out, old or improperly stored.