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No, males and females have evolved to think in different ways.

This does not make one gender more capable than the other.

However, it does make each gender inherently more skilled in certain areas of thinking.

Typically (and this does not mean "always"), boys are more geared toward spatial skills and tasks involving singular, intense focus. As such, males are more adept at hunting, targeting, locating objects within an environment from a map, and the maths and sciences.

Females, on the other hand, are much more adept at tasks that involve interpersonal cooperation, group collaboration, and tasks that involve splitting their attention (multitasking).

A good example of one of the ways that males and females think and share information is in how they give directions to a location.

Males are more likely to provide numerical, coordinate-based data...such as compass directions, distances, street names, etc..

Women are more likely to give directions involving street names with respect to landmarks.

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1mo ago

Boys and girls may have different perspectives and experiences, so they may not always think the same way. However, individuals can have a wide range of thoughts and beliefs regardless of gender. It's important to recognize and respect these differences while promoting understanding and communication.

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Q: Does boys and girls think the same?
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Did Victorian boys and girls learn the same subjects?

No, Victorian boys and girls did not learn the same subjects. Boys were typically taught subjects like Latin, mathematics, and science, while girls were often taught skills like needlework, music, and basic arithmetic. Education was not seen as important for girls in the same way it was for boys during the Victorian era.

Did boys and girls in the 1930s go to the same school?

Yes, in the 1930s, boys and girls typically attended the same schools. Segregation by gender in education was not as common during that time period, especially in public schools.

Do girls think differently than boys?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone, regardless of gender, thinks differently based on their individual experiences, beliefs, and perspectives. However, societal norms and expectations can shape how individuals perceive gender differences in thinking patterns. It is essential to avoid generalizations and instead recognize and appreciate the diversity of thoughts and perspectives within and across genders.

Are boys better than girls at history?

There is no inherent difference in abilities between boys and girls when it comes to history. Success in history, like any subject, depends on individual interests, effort, and opportunities for learning. Both boys and girls can excel and contribute to the study of history.

Are girl smarter them boys or boys or smarter then girls?

There is no significant difference in intelligence between girls and boys. Intelligence is individual and not determined by gender. It is important to recognize and appreciate the unique strengths and abilities of each person, regardless of gender.

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no because boys don't have the same thoughts as girls they don't think about us they think about games maybe once or twice a day they would think about us

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The same as boys I think

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boys are not more usefull than girls they are both the same but people think boys are more usefull.

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boys and girls are the same in many ways yet different but i really got to say is i think girls are better at understanding things

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No. boys love/hate girls, while girls... are just girls. well it all depends when girls are bisexual the intend to be closer than a boy and a girl so it bascally depends

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How do you tell agirl you love her?

come straight out with it girls arent the same as boys ,boys will think ur weird but girls most of the time act tht way

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I don't think boys think the same way about their girlfriend as v/s because girls have more emotions towards their boyfriend whereas boys just want a partner to entertain himself. If ever it is true love "both may think the same" but probably not because boys and girlz have different thinking procceses

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Oh trust me, they do if they feel the same way. I think girls spend way more time thinking about guys then guys about girls. Heck, I spend countless hours at night thinking about boys, who probably don't know I exist. Does that answer your question? Exactly xD girls think about boys a whole lot more than boys do, but if a guy really has feelings for you he might think about you too :) I think about boys quite a lot, but they probably don't think about me as much as I think about them. Lol :D