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Q: Does braxton hicks mean that you are about to go into labor?
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Can braxton hicks go on for days?

Yes, I've had them for about 8 days, day and night, and no "true" labor yet. I'm dilating and effacing a little bit.

The truth abbout braxton hicks?

Braxton Hicks Contractions are false contractions. They can be painful or you may not feel them at all. Your stomach muscles contract and will fill like your stomach is getting tight then they will release. Your stomach will feel hard during one. You can get them all the way through pregnancy but probably won't feel them until later in your pregnancy. They don't mean you're in labor but if you get one and they feel really painful I would call the doctor just to be safe. In late pregnancy they can become very close together and very painful and feel like the real thing. They can even thin your cervix. When this happens it's called false labor. If you have close painful contractions and think your in labor go to the hospital to be sure.

How can one have a painless delivery?

You can't unless you have a c-section before you go into labor but that is only if there is something wrong with your or the babies health. And Braxton-hicks contractions happen before labor and are the starter to labor in the second trimester. Even if you get a c-section or epidural after labor starts you are going to have to go through the pain of one before they give you a epidural or say you need a c-section which can be up to days. All of us moms went through it and survived.

36 weeks pregnant with 2nd child - bad braxton hicks some that feel like labor pains - midwife says the babys head is real low - should I expect to go into labor soon?

I am 40 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby and experience strong braxton hicks for about 4 weeks. The babys head is on zero since 3 weeks and i dilated to 3 cm about 2 weeks ago, and i am still waiting. If you still have your mucus plug I would guess you have another 2 - 3 weeks... but who knows, the little treasures come when they are ready and not us! Good luck and hang in there

Period like pain and tensing of the belly at 36 weeks pregnant what is this?

It's common to have contractions like Braxton Hicks when it gets closer. If it doesn't go away go to the doctor.

What are good signs that you will go into labor in a week?

It is very hard to predict exactly when you will go into labor, but a few signs that labor is coming soon are: * Loss of your mucous plug * The baby drops * Braxton hicks contractions become stronger and more frequent

Is it normal at 37 weeks to not have any contractions and only Braxton Hick every now and then?

It happened to me when I was pregnant. After that my OB/GYN had scheduled Induced labor at due date, they don't want you to be overdue, it's not good for the baby. Many women don't even notice Braxton-Hicks especially if they are very busy, and it is nothing to worry about and is not a predictor of how your labor will go. research has shown that a baby can safely go up to 2 weeks after the due date but by about 10 days most doctors will start thinking about induction.

35 weeks pregnant and cramping?

If the cramping starts and stops you could be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions which are normal and not indicative of labor. However, if your amniotic sac breaks and your water starts escaping you are in labor. In either case you should see your doctor.

I am 39 weeks pregnant and 1 cm dilated and not feeling too many braxton hicks but my dr says that's normal in younger woman my question is WHEN wILl LABOR COME?

Don't worry about it. There simply aren't any formulas. I never had any Braxton Hicks contractions that I was aware of, and was 7 cm dilated when I went to see my doctor, who thought I'd deliver that afternoon. In reality, I didn't go into labor for another week--which was one week past my due date. Soon your baby will let you know, "It's time!" If necessary, your doctor will have a point at which he or she will make the decision to induce labor, so there's no danger. Best of luck to you. Don't worry about it. There simply aren't any formulas. I never had any Braxton Hicks contractions that I was aware of, and was 7 cm dilated when I went to see my doctor, who thought I'd deliver that afternoon. In reality, I didn't go into labor for another week--which was one week past my due date. Soon your baby will let you know, "It's time!" If necessary, your doctor will have a point at which he or she will make the decision to induce labor, so there's no danger. Best of luck to you.

Why does your stomach get hard in pregnancy and then go away?

You are having braxton hicks..they are normal and is softening youre uterus for the baby to make his or her great debute..If u massage ure stomach they go away quicker,

You are producing breast milk and have movement in your stomach which sometimes is hardening like braxton hicks are you pregnant or is it irritable bowel?

It sounds very much like you are pregnant, but you really need to go to a doctor to find out for sure. I urge you to go immediately.

20 weeks and feeling braxton hicks?

This is normal. Some women experience braxton hicks as early as 15 weeks. If you have a history of delivering your babies at preterm then be extra cautious. Just mention to your doctor at your next visit that you are experiencing them just so they have it on record and your doctor can go over any precautions that he or she may have for you.