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No but eating in itself can make them sleepy.

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Q: Does breast milk make babies sleep?
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Tiger babies suckle milk from their mothers.

Why milk is the best for babies?

actually its breast milk that is best for babies. beause it helps there bones grow

How do you make babies sleep all night?

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Breast milk

What animals feed their babies by breast milk?

All mammals

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What Do Female Orca Whales Feed their Babies?

Breast milk.

What is in a smoker's breast milk?

Tobacco flavoring. Not a good thing for babies.

Why is cowmilk important to children?

first born babies should really have breast milk because the first milk produced has colostrum in it which greatly helps the baby's immune system. but if the parent doesnt want to breast feed then cows milk is a substitute. its not as good quality as breast milk but babies need milk to survive. it will have the same nutrients but without the colostrum.

Did Kate Gosselin breast-feed or use formula?

Kate Gosselin divided her breast milk evenly among the babies for awhile, and then she started giving it to the weaker babies and gave forumla to the stronger ones. It is not possible to produce enough milk for six babies.

What affect do decongestants have on breast milk?

Some decongestants pass into breast milk and may have unwanted effects on nursing babies whose mothers take the drugs.