

Does brick corrodes easily

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Does brick corrodes easily
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This metal is iron.

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By strength, if you mean durability, then i'd think it was steel iron corrodes pretty easily

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I believe it went into the iron age.

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a brick i think

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A brick is 3.5" thick. They will easily crack. I would find another way.

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Generally soft drinks contains acid and sugar and so, it can easily corrodes and destroy the teeth.

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Because it it pretty, it is malleable (can easily make things out of it), and it never rusts or corrodes. Thus, for centuries, it has been a symbol of wealth.

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base metal: a metal that oxidises or corrodes easily and i dont know what parent metal is..

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It depends on two factors. First the intensity of the hurricane and Second the strength of the BRICK HOUSE. No doubt, brick houses will not be easily destroyed as compared to that of wooden house, but the extent of damage will be more in case of brick houses...

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