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no because if there are candles more smoke come.I hope that answered your question :)Answered by:PeaceLove2622

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Q: Does burning candles clear a smoky room?
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What is the dependent variable of do colored candles or white candles burn faster?

All else being held constant - the dependent variable is the composition of the chemical(s) used to color the colored candles. Some additives will speed burning because they are themselves flammable. Some will slow burning because they are less flammable. Some will cause the melting point of the wax to be depressed so that the wax melts quicker - and as it melts and drains away, the candle will burn faster. A more critical factor in reality though is that colored candles are usually made with a different composition than white candles to make it easier to color them. Not only do they contain something to give them color - the composition of the wax the color is added to is different as well. Once you change the basic composition of the candle that much it is tough to compare the candles. It becomes like trying to compare burning oak to burning pine. Yeah - they are similar but you really are not burning the same thing and you don't expect them to burn at the same rate. By controlling the composition of the wax, you can make candles burn faster or slower - without respect to what color they are or if they have no color at all (assuming you don't call white a color).

You can smell a burning scented candle across a room because?

the liquid vaporizes and the resulting gas molecules wander about the room

Can a humidifier clear a room of germs?

No, humidifiers do not have germ killing properties. Humidifiers simply add moisture to the air of the room in which they are located. In fact, over use of a humidifier can make the room too moist, which can cause the growth of mold or other bacteria.

Do candles increase room temperature?

yes but only if u eat cheese first... in fact even more so if you have wine with your cheese. Realistically though I have heard that a small candle can increase the temperature of your car by 10 degrees when stranded in the cold. By that rationale I am certain that a dozen candles increases the temperature of my small bedroom on a cool day. Efficient? Probably not...

What is a sentence with the word explanation?

we did not have any explanation for the cause. explanation was asked by people of rome.

Related questions

Do frozen candles burn at the same rate as room tempetured candles?

No, frozen candles will burn slower than room temperature candles because the cold temperature slows down the rate of combustion. The wax in frozen candles will take longer to melt and be consumed, resulting in a longer burning time compared to room temperature candles.

What kind of candles are safe for your bird to breathe?

There are no candles that are safe for a bird to breathe if it is lit and burning. If the candle is unlit then is is ok. So if you are going to have candles going it would be best for your bird if it was kept in a different room. Or if it is neer the candles make it out in an open, ventilated area.

Will it matter what the temperature is in the room for candles?

Yes, the temperature in the room can affect how a candle burns. Extreme temperatures (very hot or very cold) can cause the candle to burn unevenly or melt too quickly. It's best to keep candles in a moderate room temperature for optimal burning.

Which burns the fastest frozen candles or room temperature candles?

if it is higher than the frozen yes

How do you get the candles on vampire's curse island?

one u get in side the book room the candles are on the table next to the fireplace

What are the release dates for Burning Room - 2009?

Burning Room - 2009 was released on: USA: 2009

Can you burn candles in a room with fish aquarium?

Yes, provided that they are not too close to the tank, and you do not burn a high number of candles

Do candles that are frozen burn slower than room temperature candles?

NO! I have no clue how this myth ever got started! The only thing you do by placing a candle in the freezer is ruin the candle. First, you introduce moisture into the wicking, which can make the candle difficult to light, cause it to spark or sizzle, or simply not burn at all. Second, The candle may crack. This can be especially dangerous should the candle crack after it has already been lit! Third, There will be less room in your freezer for your favorite frozen snack! Seriously, this is not a good idea. Keep candles in a cool, dry place. Not a frozen one!

What are the advantages of using candle melts instead of candles for room fragrances?

Candle melts are preferred over standard candles for room fragrances due to the ability to mix and match scents. Candle melts also tend to be cheaper when compared to regular candles.

What are some safety rules to keep in mind when using candles?

Some of the most important safety rules when using candles is to always have a person inside the room where the candle is burning. In addition it is very important to burn a candle away from any flammable materials and to keep it away from children, pets or any place that the candle can be dropped from.

Is candle wax made of cells?

No, candle wax is not made of cells. It is primarily made of hydrocarbons, such as paraffin, that are derived from petroleum or plant sources. The wax is solid at room temperature and melts when heated, which allows it to be used in candles for burning.

Do frozen candles burn faster than room temperature candles?

No, frozen candles do not burn faster than room temperature candles. In fact, the cold temperature may actually cause the frozen candle to burn slower due to the wax needing to thaw and melt before it can be consumed by the flame.