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no this is the Control section of the window in regards to whether the test was done right, it can appear with the other line though and that means you are!!

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Q: What does the C mean on the hCG pregnancy test?
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What does the t and the c mean on the pregnancy test from the doctors?

what does the t and c mean on the pregnancy test

How do you know your pregnant on an OSOM card pregnancy test?

The OSOM card pregnancy test uses two bands to detect hCH the hormone of pregnancy, a (C) control band and a (T) test band. The test needs to be read three minutes after dropping urine in the sample well. If the C and T band is colored gray or black the test is positive for pregnancy (hCG is present). If only the C band is obvious the test is negative for detectable levels of hCG. If neither band is obvious the test is invalid, this could be due to age of the card or improper storage.

After a d and c will a pregnancy test show positive?

Yes, because all of the hCG has not left your body. It can take days to a month or so for that to happen.

What does the c and the t mean on a hospital pregnancy test?

C- Control T- means test Line under the C - Negative Line under C and T- positive :)

The Difference Between a Qualitative and Quantitative Pregnancy Test?

A pregnancy test can be performed early in pregnancy to predict conception or gestational age. Urine-based pregnancy tests detect pregnancy hormones in urine for a positive or negative result. Blood tests measure how much of a pregnancy hormone is present.Qualitative Pregnancy Test – UrineHome pregnancy test kits and urine pregnancy tests given by a physician are qualitative. Qualitative refers to the method of diagnosing pregnancy. Urine tests measure the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. If hCG is present, the test results are positive. If no hCG is found in urine, the test will be negative.False negatives are more common with a urine pregnancy test than false positives. False negatives can be caused by frequent urination due to high fluid intake and miscalculated start day of current menstrual cycle. False positives are typically linked to fertility treatments and prescription medications that include hCG as a means of increasing chance of conception.Quantitative Pregnancy Test – BloodA blood pregnancy test can be ordered as early as five to 10 days after unprotected intercourse. Blood pregnancy tests measure hCG levels in quantity rather than just a true or false result. Quantities can then be compared to normal levels as a means of gestational age prediction. In some cases, quantitative pregnant test results are higher than normal. Normal hCG levels at five weeks gestation fall between 18 and 7,340 mlU / ml. Measurements at the higher end of the range could mean medical issues with the pregnancy or multiple fetuses. Blood hCG levels will continue to rise until peaking between nine and 12 weeks gestation. After the 12th week, levels gradually fall until birth.Medical Treatment and Pregnancy TestDue to the possibility of false negative pregnancy test results, women who believe they may be pregnant should exercise caution when taking prescription and over the counter medications deemed unsafe during pregnancy. Diagnostic testing, such as X-rays and radiation-based testing should only be performed when medically necessary. Precautions include lead aprons placed over the abdominal area during X-rays. Prescription medications fall into pregnancy categories based on clinical testing and results. Categories include A, B, C, D and X.Category A drugs have been thoroughly tested for use during pregnancy and deemed safe. Category B is designated after animal testing revealed no signs of fetal harm. Category C may be linked to fetal damage in animal testing. Category D includes drugs proven to cause harm to a human fetus, but benefits from medications in this category could outweigh risks. Category X is reserved for medications that should never be used during pregnancy.

It been 3 weeks since a dc and 4 months since a period Pregnancy test says positive and blood test has some signs of hgc levels Can you be pregnant again 3 weeks after a dc?

First of all I am so sorry for your loss. I also had a D&C and didn't get a period for 11 weeks after. this is what I do can ovulate anytime after a D&C so to be pregnant again so soon is possible, BUT you can also have a little leftover HCG from your previous pregnancy. I would go back in for another blood test but with the one that tells you the exact number (quantitative?) of HCG in your system so they can determine if it is on it's way up or down and that should let you know if it is a new pregnancy or just the old HCG going down. Good luck.

How long will a pregnancy test remain positive after a d and c?

It's best to get it checked out by a doctor, ask for a blood test to see what your hCG levels are - or get a home pregnancy test. Your hCG can remain high until your next period - which could be one of the reasons they tell you to wait to start trying again until after you've had a period. I didn't realise until recently that you should have 3 weeks of no bleeding before it is a fresh period. I'm now 5 weeks post op and still bleeding so I'm going to see my ob today. If hCG is not going down then they can prescribe a shot/the pill to help stop the bleeding.

Why will a test be still positive afer a DnC?

The pregnancy hormones are still in your system. Most women can expect their levels to return to a non-pregnant range about 4 - 6 weeks after a pregnancy loss has occurred. This can differentiate by how the loss occurred (spontaneous miscarriage, D & C procedure, abortion, natural delivery) and how high the levels were at the time of the loss. Health care providers usually will continue to test hCG levels after a pregnancy loss to ensure they return back to <5.0

Had a d and c on Nov 8th 2010. Four days ago I got a positive pregnancy test at home then next day had a negative. Went to doctors my hcg level was an 8. Could I be pregnant again?

Yes.I would do a follow up with your Dr in a few weeks.

You went from 859 hcg to 950 hcg in 40 hours is this normal?

It is not likely that this will result in a full-term pregnancy. The HCG should double within 48-72 hours. A rise of less than 100 in 40 hours could indicate an ectopic pregnancy or an impending m/c. I'm terribly sorry, but seeing as I have had 8 m'c's, I feel like an expert. I am also a Registered Nurse. Melissa

If you had a miscarriage two months ago is it normal that you're still bleeding if you didn't have a D and C?

No it isn't normal to continue bleeding two months after a miscarriage. Do a pregnancy test to find out if your still pregnant. HCG will be gone from your urine now and the test will be negative if your not pregnant. Also contact your doctor about the bleeding. You may have part of the fetus left inside of you which is causing the bleeding.

When after decidual bleeding can you take a pregnancy test?

You can, but most likely it won't be positive b/c your hormones are out of whack. get a bllod test or ultrasound.