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First of all I am so sorry for your loss. I also had a D&C and didn't get a period for 11 weeks after. this is what I do can ovulate anytime after a D&C so to be pregnant again so soon is possible, BUT you can also have a little leftover HCG from your previous pregnancy. I would go back in for another blood test but with the one that tells you the exact number (quantitative?) of HCG in your system so they can determine if it is on it's way up or down and that should let you know if it is a new pregnancy or just the old HCG going down. Good luck.

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Q: It been 3 weeks since a dc and 4 months since a period Pregnancy test says positive and blood test has some signs of hgc levels Can you be pregnant again 3 weeks after a dc?
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A positive pregnancy test means that you're pregnant.

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The signs of pregnancy on NuvaRing are positive pregnancy test and missed periods. Take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.

Can a pregnancy test be wrong at 4 months?

A prgenancy test at 4 months should be positive if you are in fact pregnant. The pregnancy test is based off BhCG levels which are high at 4 months and should result in a positive test. The real question is why are you taking a pregnancy test at 4 months? Were you pregnant and now you think you miscarried? Routine prenatal care should be well underway at this point and a pregnancy well established. If you had a positive test and now a repeat is negative it is likely a miscariage happened some time ago. I would advise seeing an OB doctor and providing a full history and copies of labs and ultrasounds if availble for full evaluation.

How long does it take to get a positive test if you are pregnant?

You should take a test now if you are almost 2 months late. A pregnancy test usually shows positive if you are pregnant right after your period is missed.

How can i tell if im pregnant when i have had a period everyday for almost 5 months?

Take a pregnancy test , and if positive go to the hospital .

Can a quantitative pregnancy test give a false positive?

Yes! I had one done and it said I wasnt but then four months later (about 5 months pregnant) it turned out I was.

Can you get pregNant three months into your pregnancy?

If your already pregnant and have sexual intercourse during anytime of your pregnancy you can not get pregnant.

I have all the pregnancy symptoms of 5 weeks but i can't get a positive result am i pregnant?

Yes, it is still possible that you are pregnant. You will need to go to a doctor and have them draw blood to show that you are or have been pregnant recently. After 3 days they can do the blood test again and if your levels are still rising, then you are still pregnant. If they are falling, then you are no longer pregnant. Some people fail to show a positive on a pee type pregnancy test for up to 6 months, although it is /very/ rare. It is also possible that you have what is called a "hydatidiform mole" type pregnancy which means you are not carrying a viable baby, and that your hormone levels will be totally messed up. Your nausea would be much worse that with a normal pregancy, and you might not show as pregnant on a pee test.

Will a pregnancy test show a fals positive taking it right after unprotected intercourse?

A pregnancy test WILL NOT tell you if you are pregnant immediately after having intercourse unless you've had intercourse within the last nine months (on another occasion) and you are already pregnant.

Is it possible to be 3 or 4 weeks pregnant and hcg levels still be too low for home pregnancy tests to read?

No- beta hCG is a required hormone for pregnancy; if the embryo does not produce it, your period will come as if there had been no conception. That is part of why pregnancy tests are so accurate, because the hormone has to be there, if it isn't, you cannot be pregnant.

Had a d and c now have a positive pregnancy test 2 months later am I pregnant?

It's possible but I would check with your Dr as soon as possible.