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Cable Television shows extreme violence all day long but almost never shows nudity other than an occasoinal behind on certain stations.

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Q: Does cable TV show nudity and extreme violence?
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Does Halloween 4 show nudity?

The 2010 Nightmare on Elm Street remake is rated 'R' for strong bloody horror violence, disturbing images, terror, and language. Neither nudity nor sex is included in the rating description.

Is there nudity in the first lost boys movie?

There is some mild nudity at the beginning of the film. A scene when the two brothers are showering, it shows their posteriors. There is no other nudity during the movie; though it does show some near nudity during one scene where a character named "Gorgeous George" is wearing a speedo.

Why is nudity censored on tv and not guts and gore?

Acceptable television content varies widely around the world. Many countries restrict nudity on television and one of the most restrictive countries is the US. Generally, UK television can have no nudity before 9 pm. European television tends to be far more relaxed about nudity and it can be seen at all hours in some countries. The restrictions are based on the cultural norms of the population and are normally the interpretation by the country's regulator of what is considered acceptable. It is interesting to see that many American programs can show sexual activity even if nudity is not allowed. As for violence, the same regulators make rules for violent scenes on television and they are often less strict than nudity. There are may people who question the wisdom of censoring nudity while allowing a great deal of violence to be seen. There is no easy formula for the decisions but regulators can be swayed by their perception of public opinion. If enough people raise concerns about violence, rules may be changed in response.

What nudity does splice show?

Splice has multiple sexual/nudity scenes,very graphic.suggest another movie I suppose

Does nudity on Broadway sHow is happen?

Yes, one notable show is Hair.

Does the show married with children have nudity in it?

Implied but not actual.

Does Breaking Dawn show nudity?

Yes, some.

Are there YouTube type websites that show nudity?

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Where do you go to find rosario vampire uncensored?

sorry, the show dosen't show nudity...even for the bd too *Wrong. There is nudity in the "Moka Transformation" sequence in every episode. Mild in season 1, more extreme in season 2. But only on Netflix, apparently. Also, the little bats don't censor everything in the physical exam episode on Netflix. (really that was senseless. You see more sideboob on soap operas)

Is there violence on the Bonanza?

Yes, violence was often portrayed on the show.