

Does car insurance payment continue during a suspension?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes it will continue unless you call and cancel the policy.

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Q: Does car insurance payment continue during a suspension?
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Can you get your car registered or get insurance if your license is suspended?

For your safety, wait till the suspension of your driving licence gets revoked.If you are already having a car insurance policy,and your car is entangled into an accident during suspension period, you wont get any insurance claim from the insurance policy. You may also be trapped into police interrogation for driving with a suspended licence.

Which type of policies that the insurance company will have to make payment?

Insurance policies may be categorized into 2 sectors:- Life Insurance and General Insurance. In life insurance, claims arise during maturity and death, when the Insurance Cos are to make payment. In General insurance falls medical insurance, fire & burglary, Professional indemnity,car insurance, Householders policy,shop keepers policy and so on. In medical insurance, when a person is hospitalized for treatment of illness/disease and stay for minimum 24 hours, either he can avail cash less system or claim under reimbursement. In the rest policies, when a fire or burglary occurs or so on, the claim has to be established with proper documentation supported by surveyor's report for consideration of the claim by Insurance Company, where they are policy bound to make payment.

What are the advantages of a Limited-Payment Life Insurance Policy?

the savings component grows more rapidly during the premium-paying period than in straight life

Is there an allowable grace period for auto insurance premiums to be late in Oklahoma?

In most cases, not. Insurers usually give you a 5-10 window to make payment and be re-instated. However during that time period you have no insurance.

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depends on wat kind of suspension it is

When a medical office accepts assignments of benefits payment is sent directly to the?

Providing office. In case of any eventuality during ongoing treatment of the insured person, the assignment benefits payment is sent directly to the assignee by the insurance company or TPA.

Is there a trick on how to get back on fantage during a suspension?

No there is not.

If you quit your job during pregnancy would the insurance continue to cover you?

Check with the insurance company and your employment. If your employment had the insurance than more than likely the answer is no. You may get a coverage like COBRA when you leave or they may let you pay the premiums until the birth.

A temporary suspension of the menstrual cycle normally occur during what?

During pregnancy. Suspension can also occur through extreme stress - I know of a personal example.

What is the difference between insurance reinstatement and insurance renewal?

Reinstatement means the policy LAPSED and is now back in force. Renewal just means you paid the regular bill on time. Renewal is when the company offers to RENEW, or CONTINUE, your insurance policy for another 6 or 12 months. REINSTATEMENT is totally different: Reinstatement means that your policy is being put back in force by the company after it had cancelled for non premium payment. The main difference between the two is this: With a reinstatement, you will not have had any coverage during the time from when the policy cancelled, to when it is reinstated. If you had an accident or claim during that time, you would NOT have any coverage. Also, if you had been driving during that time you would have been driving illegally, if your state requires mandatory insurance.

Can a person who is injured during the accident ask payment for demages from the owner?

Yes.Added; If they file a claim against the driver/owner's insurance company, yes. In the absence of insurance (or if the amount is inadequate to cover the injuries) you can file a personal suit against the owner.

How long can an insurance policy stay active without payment?

As long as we pay our dues on time the policy remains in force. The moment we stop paying our premiums the policy lapses and the insurance cover provided by the policy becomes nullified. A lapse occurs when premiums are not paid even during the grace period. The life cover continues during the grace period whose duration varies based on the type of policy and premium payment frequency