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No. Cell growth and DNA replication occur during interphase but do not occur during mitosis and cytokinesis.

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Q: Does cell growth and replication continue through the cell cycle?
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When during a cell cycle does Replication occur?

The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosisDNA replication occurs during the S phase of interphase.

When does replication go through the cell cycle?

DNA replication occurs during the S stage of interphase. The S means synthesis and refers to the synthesis of new DNA during DNA replication.

How do eukaryotes reproduce?

Interphase is when DNA replication occurs. :)

Mutation in DNA often occurs during replication. during which phase of the cell cycle do such mutations occur?

The semiconservative replication of DNA occurs in the S phase or interphase of cell cycle. Mutation too occurs during this phase, whereas growth takes place in G phase.

Most cells go through a growth and reproduction called the?

I just know of it as cell growth.

What is centrifugal replication?

Cycle revolution

What are the names and functions of the 4 stages of the cell cycle?

G1: Cell growth S: DNA replication G2: Preparation for mitosis M: Mitosis and cytokinesis

What is The Cycle Of Viral Infection Replication and Cell Destruction?

Lysogenic Cycle.

Why are roots a good place to study the cell cycle?

Growth in an organism is carefully controlled by regulating the cell cycle. In plants, the roots continue to grow as they search for water and nutrients. These regions of growth are good for studying the cell cycle because at any given time, you can find cells that are undergoing mitosis.

How much of the cell cycle is taken up by cell division?

Very little of the cell cycle is taken up by cell division. Most of the cell cycle consists of cell growth and chromosome replication so the original cell can split into multiple cells.

Is inter-phase a stage of nuclear division?

I know one of them is replication of the DNA