

Does cell wall have its own wall?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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yes cell wall has its own wall

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Q: Does cell wall have its own wall?
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Is the cell wall a cell?

no it isn't because the cell wall of the cell is a non-living part of the cell and because the cell wall of the cell has no function on its own so that is why they are treated as a non-living part of the cell.

Do viruseshave a cell wall?

No. Viruses aren't made of cells and don't naturally have their own cell parts.

What are the disadvantages of having a cell wall or cell membrane?

A disadvantage is that when a thing has a cell wall it is unable to move on it's own. For example a plant has a cell wall and it can't move on it's own.

What is every plant and animal cell surrounded by?

Every plant and animal cell is surrounded by a cell membrane. Plant cells have both a cell membrane and a cell wall because they can create there own food through photosynthesis. Animal cells have to absorb food, so they cant have a cell wall.

What is a outer supportive structure of a plant cell?

The cell wall supports and protects the plant cell.

Do mold cells have a cell wall?

They are type of fungi.They have a cell wall made up of chitin.

What protects the plants cell?

cell wall

What part of the cell is strong and stiff and hard to get through and only found in plants?

The cell wall.But it is not only found in plants, both bacteria and fungi have cell walls too.

Where is the cell wall located in an animal?

There is no cell wall in a animal cell but there is a cell wall in the plant cell.

What specific cell part is all remains of the cell?

the cell wall

What structure is outside the cell membrane?

For plant cells, there is a cell wall outside of the cell's membrane. Animal cells do not have walls, so there is no structure outside of the cell membrane.

What organelle is responsible for protecting the plant cell?

The Cell wall. It supports the cell and protects it from anything that can damage the cell.