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Both get started at about the same time. As the teeth are grinding up the food, enzymes in the saliva are breaking down starch.

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Q: Does chemical digestion occur before mechanical digestion?
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Is absorption mechanical or chemical?

does absorption occur when mechanical or chemical digestion

Is the small intestines chemical or mechanical?

The small intestine completes the process of chemical digestion.

Do enzymes occur in mechanical or chemical digestion?

think so

Chemical and mechanical digestion of food occur int he stomach?

no in the mouth

Where does mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur along the digestive tract?

Mechanical Digestion happens in the mouth where your food is physically broken down. Chemical digestion happens in your intestines, where enzymes break down and absorb nutirients

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Why does mechanical digestion normally occur before chemical digestion?

It needs to be smooshed before the stomach acid can break it down. So that it is easier to break down chemically. You wouldn't ride your bike before you learned how to would you? Probably not. It works the same way for the body.

What organ does mechanical digestion occur in?

Stomach and Mouth

What type of Mechanical digestion takes place in your mouth stomach and small intestines I?

Chemical and mechanical ingestion take place in the mouth. Chemical and mechanical digestion also take place in the stomach. Chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine.Ingestion, digestion then absorption.In the mouth, both chemical digestion and mechanical digestion happen. The mechanical part is your teeth crushing the food into smaller pieces. The chemical part is when the salivary glands give off a special fluid that contains enzymes. When food enters the stomach, an enzyme is released that helps to digest food chemicaly. The muscles in the stomach also digest food mechanicly. Lastly, the small intestine completes the chemical and mechanical digestion of food. The small intestine takes out all the useful matirial and sends it to the cells as tiny molecules that the cells use in cellular resparation.Baisicly, they all use chemical and mechanical digestion.

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What is the medical term meaning the chemical and mechanical breakdown of food in the body?

The answer is digestion. It's the process that breaks down food into small molecules so that they can be absorbed and moved into the blood. From the blood, food molecules are transported across the cell membrane to be used by the cell. Unused molecules pass out of your body as wastes. There's two types of digestions: Mechanical and Chemical. Mechanical digestion takes place when food is chewed, mixed, and churned. Chemical digestion occurs when chemical reactions occur that break down large molecules of food into smaller ones.