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No chocolate is low in purines and therefore does not produce a great deal of uric acid,

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Q: Does chocalate contain any uric acid?
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Does red bull contain purine or uric acid?

No, or at least if there is any cell material in it containing purines it would be negligible.

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Can you get gout in the base of the thumb?

Yes uric acid crystals can form in any skeletal joint

Will rice of any kind raise your uric acid levels?

Uric acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines. Purines are found in some foods and drinks, such as liver, anchovies, mackerel, dried beans and peas, beer, and wine.

What acid is in salt?

Salt doesn't contain any acid.

Does any acid contain oxygen?

Oh yes, there are acids that contain oxygen, for example, nitric acid, HNO3.

Can you test uric acid levels before you get gout?

performed on a sample of the patient's blood, withdrawn from a vein into a vacuum tube. The procedure, which is called a venipuncture, takes about five minutes. The urine test requires the patient to collect all urine voided over a 24-hour period

Is there any species of bird that has a urinary bladder?

It is just the way that birds evolved. Birds do not have a separate opening for the urinary tract so both uric acid and feces come out of the same opening. The uric acid is excreted as nitrogen waste.

What type foods contain purine?

A low purine diet is important for people who have high blood uric acid levels that result in conditions like gout. The diet includes 3 servings of nearly any vegetable EXCEPT asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower and all beans and peas. Carrots (17mg uric acid/100g) and beets (19mg uric acid/100g) are two of the lowest purine level vegetables.

What helps the body rid of purines?

cristallization of uric acid, is the precipitation of uric acid in a liquid as the maximum solubility is achieved. in human it may happen in joints ( then it will be called Gout) or it can happen in kidneys and in the bladder, which will then lead to bladder stones. the process by which uric acid is metabolized in the human body is very complex. the excretion of uric acid happens only throught the kidneys. if you dont want to have any bladder stones... drink a lot of water and do no eat to much proteins

Is there any connection between Chrones disease and high levels of uric acid?

Not as such. However Chrones disease is an inflammatory illness of the intestine and as a result destruction of cells takes place. If a person was already in a position where the system is not coping or is only just able to deal with the amount of uric acid being produced. the destruction of these cells could bring about a situation where more uric acid is produced which in turn can lead to gout.

What is good for Gout?

what fruits is good for gout