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No, chromosomes aren't organelles, membrane-bound or otherwise.

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No - a chromosome is made up of DNA and carries genetic information.

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Q: Does chromosome have a membrane
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Are cells empty?

No, because as we read in biology that cells have different parts inside it such as Chromosome, Mitochondria, Cell Membrane, Plasma Membrane, Vacuole, Nucleolus etc.

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Prokaryotic Cell

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protoplasm , cell membrane and nucleus (may be well defined or not well defined)

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Prokaryotic cells have ribosomes, plasmids, cytoplasm, plasma membrane, cell wall, and a nucleoid. They do not have a membrane-bound nucleus like Eukaryotes do.

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What chromosome does cystic fibrosis effect?

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Name three cell structures that are found inside the nucleus?

There are several things.Distinct components are nucleolus,chromosome,membrane etc.

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I came hear for the answer not to answer it myself

What are some examples of an organelle?

For a animal cell: nucleus, the ribosomes, Golgi body, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nuclear membrane, vacuoles, cytoplasm, cell membrane, chromosomes. For a plant cell: nucleus, vacuoles, nuclear membrane, cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast, chromosome, Endoplasmic Reticulum, chloryphyll, cytoplasm, ribsomes, mitochondria.

When is every chromosome connected to a spindle fiber in mitosis?

Just after the nuclear membrane dissolves and once the chromosomes have cloned themselves to form two chromatids connected by a centomere. The spindle fibers then attach to each chromosome.