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Yes, it should work well for pink eye.

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Q: Does ciprofloxacin hydrochloride get rid of pink eye?
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Does Tobramycin 0.3 Eye Drop get rid of pink eye?

yes, I have used it for pink eye and it worked. It only works for pink eye caused by bacteria though. It does not treat viral pink eye.

Is it possible to get rid of pink eye in sheep in 2 days?

No way

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the best thing to do would be to get drops and close your eye and put a tea bag on it

How long does it take to get rid of a pinkeye?

Pink eye usually take 3-4 days with medication.

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i have got pink facebook and i dont know if you can get rid of it :( tell me when how u can!! :)

What are home remedies of pink eye?

Mix 1 cup of spinach juice and 1 cup of carrot juice and drink everyday. This helps to cure pink eye.Wash your eyes with cold water 3-4 times a day. This helps to cure pink eyes.Mix 2 teaspoon of honey with 1teaspoon of gooseberry (amla) juice and drink for 5 days. This helps to get rid of pink eye

How do you get rid of a pink eye?

You can get the pink eye by either getting the cold or just getting sick. The white part of the eye is very sensitive and will get sick any way it can. The bacteria of everything you touch and if you never wash your hands and touch you eye's you will eventually get a pinkeye in a day or two.

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To get a red eye is something that nobody wants. However certain amount of bacteria has to get in the eye to become irritated, itchy, swollen and red. This can lead to pink eye or conjunctivitis, a disease in the eye that is extremely contagious. But people who dont sanitize their hands for example, touch their eyes and later get symptons and the disease as well. Medication such as eyedrops might get rid of it.

How do you get rid of fish eye ON FOOT?

with a pin

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pluck them

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by rehydraton ;)

How do you get rid of a stye on your eyelid?

how to get rid of sty on your eyelid Put eye drops in the eye you have a sty in then put a warm cloth over the eye you have a sty in 7 to 8 times a day for 1 week and it will be gone