

Does coal release chemical energy when used?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, when it is burned (oxidized in air), it releases the chemical energy stored within its chemical bonds.

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Q: Does coal release chemical energy when used?
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What fuels release chemical energy when they are used?

Coal, gas,oil, and wood. All of these are burned (oxidized in air), which releases the chemical energy stored within its chemical bonds.

Which fuels release chemical energy when they are used?

Coal, gas,oil, and wood. All of these are burned (oxidized in air), which releases the chemical energy stored within its chemical bonds.

Is chemical energy used with thermal energy?

Chemical energy is often used to release thermal energy; that is the main reason why people make fires.

What is fuel stored in?

Chemical energy. Although kinetic energy is, in a sense, stored within fossil fuels (one may drop a piece of coal and it falls), the energy stored with a fossil fuel is chemical as it can only be accesed through a chemical reaction.

How coal energy changed into mechanical energy?

By burning the coal. The stored chemical eneregy is converted to heat energy. That may be used to create steam. Expanding steam pushes a piston or turbine, converting the heat energy to mechanical energy.

Why is coal used for energy?

Coal is used for energy because it is abundant and substantial amounts of energy can be released by buring it or something made from it, like coal oil or coal gas.

Why is coal energy used?

Coal is used for energy because it is abundant and substantial amounts of energy can be released by buring it or something made from it, like coal oil or coal gas.

Is energy wasted in a coal - fired power plant?

Chemical energy is released when the coal burns with oxygen in the air. This energy is used to heat water, which is converted into steam. Not all of the energy is used to heat the water. Some of it is wasted by being transferred as heat to the surroundings. The energy of the steam is used to turn the turbines, but some of the steam energy is wasted.

How is coal energy used for communities?

Coal is used by communities by BBQ

Is coal being burned to boil water an example of chemical energy changing to thermal?

yes because burning is a chemical process that is used to boil water with heat

Is burning coal mechanical energy?

Burning coal is thermal energy. It can be used to produce mechanical energy.

Is coal energy a sustainable form of energy?

At the rate at which coal is being used curently, it is not.