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Q: Does coffee help prevent kidney stones?
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Can coffee cause kidney pain?

Coffee can help cause kidney stones. Kidney stones form in the kidneys and cause great pain to the kidneys and urinary tract.

Does a nephrologist treat kidney stones?

Not typically. Oncologists usually treat patients for cancer, but could possibly treat a patient with medications to help pass a kidney stone if needed. Usually, kidney stones are treated by a urologist, a primary care physician, or an Emergency Medicine physician.

What are the indications for Beelith?

Recurring calcium oxalate kidney stones. My urologist suggests I take this as its main ingredients can slow down or help prevent future formation.

Does beer cause kidney stones?

Not Scientifically proved but yes alcohol has been found to have caused weight gain, depression and other dangerous diseases, So we can perceive Alcohol to be an equal contributor for Kidney stone. To Read more on Kidney stones, you can have a look at , Found it a good read

How do you avoid the presence of albumin in urine?

Albumin in urine is usually the result of some damage to the kidneys, and that in turn is most usually caused by kidney stones, so if you wish to avoid this, remain well hydrated (which is to say, drink lots of water) to help prevent kidney stones. There is, of course, no guarantee.

Can drinking lots of water help your kidney stone?

Kidney stones are jagged crystals of calcium or uric acid which form in he kidney during times of low hydration ,Therefore yes, stay hydrated.A quick note, kidney stones may also be hereditary, meaning if someone in your family has had it , there is a good chance it may be present in your genes, so drink adequate amounts of water may not help.

Will cranberry juice help pass kidney stone?

Any liquid will help, but cranberry juice has nothing over water pertaining to kidney stones. Cranberry juice helps with kidney and bladder infections.

How can alcohol effect your kidneys?

Drinking alcohol can help reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.

Do people with kidney stones rip things up?

Yes, people with kidney stones often have the urge to rip things up. Their victims can be objects, plants, animals and even people. So if you find yourself with kidney stones please visit a surgeon or metal hospital for help, unless you like murder that is.

Can recurrent urinary infections cause kidney stones?

There are different types of kidney stones, and one is the result of infection in the kidney. Yes, recurrent infections can help to cause this type of kidney stone. The stone may also harbor infection that causes frequent recurrence.

Why would water aid in the prevention future kidney stones?

The water would flush the stone through the urinary tract.

Does lemons help kidney stones?

On the contrary, highly acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, (i.e.: lemons, oranges, grapefruit), have been proven to be a trigger for the formation of kidney stones, as these substances heighten the levels of uric acid in the system. However, the herb "milk thistle" has been proven to break down kidney stones into a more passable "dust-like" form. I know this, because I have Medullary Sponge Kidney Disease. I have hundreds of them. A good source of milk thistle, as well as in encapsulized form, is in the energy drink, "Rockstar". I drink one each day, and the added taurine is also good for improved circulation. Be sure to only drink them in moderation, as with any food or drink that contain additive components.