

Best Answer

Coke cleans a penny better than lemon juice because coke has a lot more chemicals than lemon juice.

HOWEVER ...You should only clean ordinary coins that have no collector value. Anything you use to try to shine or otherwise "spiff up" a collectible coin will damage its surface and reduce its value to coin collectors.
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Q: Does coke clean a penny better than lemon juice?
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What can clean better with a penny lemon juice or apple juice?

i would say dawn but lemon juice cause it is an stronger acid.

What product cleans a penny better?

Lemon juice and salt can clean a dirty penny alsovinegar and salt

What do you clean a dirty penny with?

you should clean a penny wit Lemon Juice.

What cleans a penny better lemon juice or sprite?

lemon juice

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Lemon juice. Vinegar & saltcleans it even better.

Will lemon juice clean a penny?

no because of the sugar

Can sprite or vinegar clean the penny better?

neither. the best way to clean a penny is by using some lemon juice and salt this is correct because i tried it

What clean a penny better lemons or limes?

A lemon cleans a penny better.

Will apple juice clean a pennie or lemon juice grape juice?

LUMPS OF RICE! will clean your penny sir

Why does lemon juice clean a penny?

The acidity in the juice removes the dirt.

What other than lemon juice can clean pennies?

tomato juice, orange juice, grape fruit juice, lemon juice, lime juice, and pickle juice also can clean a penny