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Q: Does cold air make it harder to breathe outddoors?
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Why does cold air make you sleepy?

It does for me because it makes it harder to breathe. I have asthma.

Does ozone near the ground make it harder to breathe?

Ozone at the ground level is a pollutant. It makes harder to breathe.

Why is it harder to breathe after exercise?

when you breath faster you heartrate goes up what make breath heavier.

How does buildup of mucus in air passages affect breathing?

With the build up of mucus in the lungs it would make it harder to breathe then you would have a cold and start coughing and then it would make stress on your breathing and you would not inhale as much air as you normaly would.

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Should you throw your garbage anywhere?

No. There would be an increase in pollution which will make it harder for us to breathe. It would decrease the quality of life

Which football field will make it harder for quarterbacks to throw a football in?

Denver Broncos stadium because they have the highest point for a football field and it makes it harder because they are cold and they mostly have asthma and it is just a lot harder.

Why do you sneeze when having cold?

Because germs cause pain in your breathing passages and do not let you breathe, so you sneeze to make them go away.

Why can't i breathe in a cold shower?

It's cauze ur in a cold environment (cold shower) and your body is not used to it, so it will make your body tense and kinda worried, your body is basically warning you of the temperature, but if u learn 2 relax in a cold shower it will be ok :)

When was ...Make You Breathe created?

...Make You Breathe was created on -20-05-01.

Does marijuana have side effects when you are not an addict?

Yes, Marijuana can make you delirious and tends to make it harder to breathe and also makes things around u faster even if u stop smoking , I learned this out of a books and i learned it in person

Can you boil tap water and put it in your betta fish tank?

Yes you can but I don't know what you hope to achieve by doing it. All you will do is reduce the amount of oxygen in the water and make it harder for the fish to breathe.