

Does compressed helium lift more

Updated: 12/13/2022
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11y ago

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yes it does.

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Q: Does compressed helium lift more
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Can helium be compressed?

no, it can not be compressed.

What has more lift hot air or helium?

Helium has more lift because its just like in a helium stays on the roof because it wants to go higher. and hot air doesnt stay with the wind blowing it.

Can helium be compressed why?

Helium can be compressed because it is a gas. Gases are basically spread out molecules, that is, the larger the container that they are in, the larger they spread out. They still have the same amount of molecules, but they are just spread wider. Therefore, they can also be compressed. As an example, think of 100 humans being the 100 molecules of helium. There are only 100 of them, but they could be spread out in a massive room, or they could be crammed into a tiny room.

Why doesn't the helium bottle float away?

because of the weight of the bottle, also the helium may be compressed

How much can a helium balloon lift?

depends how big the helium balloon is and how many

How many helium balloons does it take to lift the Titanic?

10000000 helium balloons

What is the use of helium?

Balloons! Gaseous Helium is easily compressed and is stable, (as opposed to Hydrogen). It is lighter than surrounding air.

Can you float from helium belly inflation?

No. Helium can lift light objects, but not living human bodies.

How much helium is needed to lift 1 lb?

Approximately 15 cubic feet of Helium.

What is the center of the sun made of?

The center of the sun is made of highly compressed hydrogen and helium.

How much helium would it take to lift 2000lbs?

to lift 1 kg or 2 pounds you need 0.16 kg of helium so for 2000 pounds you need 160 kg of helium or 320 pounds at 1 atmosphere

Should engine lift after your motor mounts are replaced?

If the old mounts were compressed over the years, there could be a small lift of the engine with new mounts. If the lift is more than an inch or so, you should check that the proper mounts were installed.