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No Congress does not have the power to appoint the Commander in Chief. The Commander in Chief is the President and US citizens have the power to elect the President.

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Q: Does congress have the power to appoint a commander in chief?
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What are the president's power and duties to military?

According to the Constitution, the president is Commander in Chief of the army and navy; this has been interpreted to grant different powers aside from actually directing the war. He also has the power to formulate treaties and appoint ambassadors (a power he shares with Congress), as well as the power to meet with ambassadors in wartime.

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The official under the new constitution who would be commander in chief of the armed forces appointed judges and other officials and have the power to veto legislation?

The President is, under the Constitution, the commander in chief of the armed forces. He also has the power to appoint judges and other officials and has the power to veto legislation.

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The President's job is to execute the laws passed by Congress, represent the country in foreign affairs, commander in chief of the military, and appoint executive officers and members of the judiciary. For more on the president's power see the link below discussing Article II of the Constitution.

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The War Powers Act.

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What concept is demonstrated by the power of Congress to declare war although the President is Commander in Chief?

These examples illustrate two Constitutional powers in action. We see the power of checks and balances by Congressional power to declare war, rather than it be an executive decision. We also see a separation of powers as the president is the commander of all forces, rather than Congress.

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The President is designated the Commander-in-Chief and Congress has the authority to declare war. The President has the power to negotiate treaties while the Senate has the right of ratification. Congress has the power to pass legislation while the President has veto power over legislation. The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review. The President has the power to appoint Ambassadors and Officers while the Senate has confirmation authority.

Many political scientists have observed that the US Constitution is an invitation to struggle among the three branches of government?

The President is designated the Commander-in-Chief and Congress has the authority to declare war. The President has the power to negotiate treaties while the Senate has the right of ratification. Congress has the power to pass legislation while the President has veto power over legislation. The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review. The President has the power to appoint Ambassadors and Officers while the Senate has confirmation authority. All of the above ?

What branch of government has the power to lead the military?

the president is the Commander in Chief (The Big Boss) of the military. However, it takes an act of Congress to actually declare war.

In the Constitution of the US of America what is a major power of the Presidency?

1 The ability to veto acts of congress or if you prefer a different one 2 Commander in chief of the military

Major powers of the president listed in the constitution?

Serve as commander in chief of the armed forces, commission officers of the armed forces, Grant reprieves and pardons for federal offenses (except impeachment), Convene congress in special sessions, Receive ambassadors, take care that the laws be faithfully executed, wield "executive powers", appoint officials to lesser offices.