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Q: Does convection take place because cold air is more dense than warm air?
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Why do convection currents take place in the atmosphere?

cold air is less dense

What can carry heat by convection?

Convection is when fluids (yes, air is considered a fluid) mix... Hot (less dense) molecules will rise as opposed to cold (more dense) molecules will sink.

What are everyday examples of convection?

When you are boiling water, it's an example of convection because the water at the bottom of the pot gets warm and becomes less dense causing it ti rise to the top and it then makes the cold water warm and the cycle continues. This is known as a convection current.

What are some everyday examples of convection?

When you are boiling water, it's an example of convection because the water at the bottom of the pot gets warm and becomes less dense causing it ti rise to the top and it then makes the cold water warm and the cycle continues. This is known as a convection current.

Explain what the difference between warm and cold air with regards to movement Why does this happen?

Warm air rises and cold air sinks. This is called convection and happens because warm air is less dense and lighter.

When hot and cold air meet the hot air rises to the top but which process causes the hot air to rise?

hot air rises because it is less dense than cold air..this occurs by the process of convection

Is warm air dense?

No, warm air is lighter than cold air because hot air rises and cold air stays in the same place.

When dense cold air meets lees dense warmer air the warm air is pushed?

the warm air is pushed down because its lees dense than the cold air if cold air is more dense.

When warm air rises and cold air takes its place what is created?

A convection current is created because, for example, if you have a room with a radiator at the bottom then the radiator will heat the air closest to it at the bottom of the room. When the air is heated it expands which makes it less dense because the particles are further apart. This means that the hot air will then rise above the cool air which was above it, therefore meaning that the cold air has to sink in order to fill in the space below. This cycle then continuous: a convection current.

Why is air is drawn on bottom and not topof the heater?

Because air expands when it heats up. Due to this expansion, warm air is less dense than cold are, and naturally rises. The name for this effect is (natural) convection.

How is heat transferred from one place to another by convection?

Heat is transfered through convection by convection currents. Think about a baloon, the baloon is dense because it is not blown up yet. This represents the cold air in a convection current, it is dense, so it falls. Now if we blow the baloon up, it expands and becomes less dense, so it floats above the air around it. This represents the hot air, it too expands and becomes less dense, so it rises above cold air. This is why heat is always greater the higher you are in a room. Eventually, the baloon will deflate and fall to the ground, the same as it started. This happens to the hot air, it even tually cools and goes down. Although unlike the baloon, the cycle repeats again and again. From, Legit Answers

How are convection currents important in the Earth's system?

Deep, cold-water currents play an important role in creating the ocean oasis of the film. Convection currents play a role in the circulation of fluids. Convection currents are the result of differential heating. Lighter (less dense), warm material rises while heavier (more dense) cool material sinks.