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Q: Does copd always progress
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Is change always progress?

Change is progress because you always advance in life or change

Is Progress Always Good?

No its not always good.

Does progress always lead to positive change?

No not always most of the time though :)

Is copd the same as emphysema?

Emphysema is one type of COPD. There are others.

What does the C stand for in COPD?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a serious lung disease that makes it harder and harder for you to breathe. COPD includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both. The leading cause is cigarette smoke. It is estimated that 24 million people in the U.S. have evidence of impaired lung function, and nearly 13 million have been diagnosed with COPD. This makes COPD an under-diagnosed and under-treated disease. COPD is the 4th leading cause of death, and the 2nd leading cause of disability.

Can coffee help with COPD?

Coffee can not help people with COPD. The only thing to help with COPD is medicines giving by a doctor.

What are some diets for people with COPD? is a very helpful page that discusses COPD and provides detailed infromation on how those with COPD can keep healthy.

What effects does copd have on the gi track?

What effects does copd have on the gi track

What is the difference between COPD and pulmonary fibrosis?

what is the differencebetween copd and pulmonary fibrosis

What are my treatment options for COPD?

The best options for COPD treatment are to quit smoking and then to do as your doctor recommends. Surgery is not usually done with COPD, however, it is still an option.

Is cor pulmonale related to COPD?

85% of patients diagnosed with cor pulmonale have COPD

What is a copd death like?

COPD is respiratory usually caused by smoking etc