

Does coral need nutrients

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Does coral need nutrients
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What gives coral its coral?

Coral rely on a type of algae called zooxanthellae which give corals colour and nutrients.

How is coral mining done?

Coral mining is where you go deep down into the coral to find special nutrients which are very valuble. Miners rip apart the coral to get deep into the undergrowth and search for nutrients. As they go into the coral, whilst ripping it apart, it is killing the quantity of the coral. Therefore this is a major threat.

What might happen to coral if a lot of nutrients were introduced into the water?

many coral reefs might die and might be extinct by putting too much nutrients

Is it bad when coral loses the algae?

Yes, because algae provide coral reef with nutrients

Are starfish coral?

No, starfish can move. Coral cannot move. Starfish have a mouth with which to eat. Coral bring in nutrients through tendrils.

Which water ecosystem has the fewest nutrients?

coral reef

Why do coral reefs need agitated waters to grow?

The agitation clears away sediment, which can block the light that is required for the photosynethic algae to grow on coral reefs. The removal of sedimentation also enables them to properly respirate, otherwise the tiny coral polyps could suffocate. The water where coral reef's flourish also lack many nutrients, which is why it is clear. The waves (agitation) help deliver nutrients to animals, like sponges, that have a symbiotic relationship with the coral reef.

Do coral reefs grow in water with low nutrients?

no they dont

Does the word coral need to be capitalized?

No, coral does not need to be capitalized.

How does Nutrients help non-living elements in coral reef survive?

It helps because it provides health for Coral Reef Non-Living Elements.

Are coral reefs highly productive?

yes. although coral reefs happens in the tropics where there are low productivity due to less nutrients (the thermocline happens deep due to high temperatures -> the stratification causes the nutrients to be in the lower part of the stratification. unless there is stratification mixing and upwelling, the nutrients will not come up to the surface , fyi ), the organisms living in the coral reefs ( please search how the coral reefs form to fully understand ) are so efficient in using there energy which makes the coral reef the most productive place in the world. Briefly, the algae (zooxantallae) living in the cups of the hard cover corals (mutualism) photosynthesize and give oxygen and nutrients to the coral needed for survival and creating thick shells. the waste product of corals do not go to waste and serve as a nutrient for other species (which is why coral reef's productivity highly depend on the coral itself and this is why coral bleaching is a serious indication of the ecosystem going bad) and the nutrients never go to waste. every energy is saved and feeds other organisms. this efficiency makes the coral reef the most productive place on earth.

What makes a coral reef?

coral is a plant. usually underwater, it grows on a reef. therefore you get a coral reef.