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Q: Does cracking joints damage the cartilage?
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Do you damage the cartilage in your knuckles when you crack your knuckles?

No, cracking your knuckles does not damage the cartilage in your joints. The sound is caused by gas bubbles rapidly forming and collapsing within the joint fluid. However, excessive knuckle cracking over time can lead to reduced grip strength and swelling in the hands.

What are arthritic changes?

Artritic changes can mean thining of cartilage calcium deposits in joints muscle damage near joints.

What is the effect of excessive weight training exercise on the joints?

Excessive stress to joints can cause joint inflammation and eventually cartilage damage.

What cushions joints?

Cartilage is the major cushion for joints, in synovial joints however they are cushioned by a fluid sac.

What will happen if you keep cracking your knuckles?

The risk of cracking one's knuckles (sliding joints under pressure) is that it can cause inflammation of the joints, or even cartilage damage. In young people, this damage will usually be repaired in a short period, but it could aggravate arthritis in older adults.

Is cracking your knuckles bad?

No. The cracking sound is caused when the small bubbles of air in between your joints pop. It does not cause any problems. People who say that is causes damage are passing on a myth.

Does osteoarthritis totally destroy cartilage in joints is there a remedy?

Osteoarthritis can lead to the total distruction of cartilage in joints, However early intervention with treatment is important to help limit the extent of damage and the amount of pain involved for the sufferer. there is no cure for osteoarthritis.

What is arthritis in the joints?

Arthritis usually involves the damage destruction, inflammation or irritation to the cartilage in the joints leading to pain or direct contact of the bones that make up that joint.

Do cartilage and tendons hold joints together?

Yes, cartilage and tendons hold joints together.

What is another name for cartilaginous joints?

Another name for cartilaginous joints is amphiarthrosis joints. These joints allow for limited movement and are held together by cartilage.

What is the relation between cartilage and bones?

Cartilage cushions the joints

What system is the cartilage in?

The cartilage is found between all joints