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No. Try Niacin in its Pill form. Great for washing the body of unwanted chemicals. You might get kind of itchy though. Try Walgreen's for these.

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Q: Does cranberry juice detox your body from vicodine?
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Cranberry juice detox cocaine?

does cranberry juice cleanse body of toxins like cocaine

What is the cranberry juice detox diet?

A cranberry juice detox can help rid the kidneys, bowels, and lymphatic system of harmful toxins. It is part of herbal colon cleansing so it has no side-effects. The entire process takes 2 ½ to 3 weeks and consists of taking a cranberry juice detox drink daily, as well as eating only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while on the diet. During the third week, you can gradually reintroduce other foods to your diet, once the body has been thoroughly detoxified.

Does drinking cranberry juice cleanse your body?

yes it does.

What foods or drinks help to detox the body with out pills?

um lots of bread water cranberry juice anything really that you can drink but when you do hold it in as long as possible so you know forsure that it is cleansen your system

Is cranberry juice a potentially hazardous food?

No. Cranberry juice is actually good for you. It has lots of vitamins and minerals and is good for the body. I hope my answer helped. Bye!

Do cranberry pills clean marijuana from urine?

Cranberry pills and juice can help to detox the body. While detoxing you can take the pills three times a day along with the juice in place of meals. You are not supposed to eat anything solid while you are doing this. Once done with the detox, slowly start eating solid foods. Start with fresh fruit or veggies.

Does cranberry juice clean system?

You bet it does, cleans out the whole entire body.

What detox can you use to help clear your system of cannabis?

Cranberry, and lots of it along with plenty of water. This does not work overnight. It takes days for the human body to metabolise THC. There is no way to instantly flush the system of THC and thus avoid an impending drug test.

Is concentrated cranberry juice as good as other cranberry juice for drug test?

Cranberyy juice does nothing, it is a rediculous stoner myth from people who have no idea how the body works.

What fruit detoxifies your body?

drink plenty of cranberry juice! citrus drinks and foods.

What is a detox juice cleanse and how is it done?

A juice cleanse is a diet in which you only drink juice from vegetables and fruits in order to lose weight and detoxify your body. Many people are sceptical about the benefits of these cleanses because they limit food groups and calories.

What are good products to cleanse the body of marijuana?

Cranberry juice and sleeping when you don't usually sleep.