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Q: Does criminal trespassing warning violate probation?
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What happens if you get caught shoplifting while on probation for shoplifting?

If you are caught shoplifting while on probation for shoplifting, it could lead to serious consequences. You may face additional charges for the new offense, and your probation could be revoked. This can result in harsher penalties, such as extended probation, fines, community service, or even jail time, depending on the specifics of your case and the discretion of the judge.

Do you always go to jail if your probation is revoked?

It depends on the crime and the motivation. Pleading guilty does not mean a custodial sentence. There may be a fine, community service, mental evaluation, or just a plain old warning not to do it again.

If you went to jail and you were on probation could your probation officer give you a warning?

Yes, your Probation Officer can certainly warn you if you have violated the conditions of your probation. He can also return you to jail.

Does simply turning around on a posted driveway violate trespassing law?

I've heard a warning first.Stalking and harassment maybe what your looking for. Take Photos and video- Pictures are Proof. Witness are also helpful. It's your word against there's . Think smart,criminals are idiots.

What happens to first time violators of felony probation in Arkansas?

Are you kidding? Breaking probation means that you end up serving your original sentence. Probation is not a is a requirement.

Does a No Trespassing Sign have to show the Penal Code if posted in an apartment building in California to be enforcable?

No, the warning is sufficient.

Is the probation officer required to give the Miranda warning to the defendant before the PSI interview?

No. A Probation Officer is not a Law Enforcement Officer. Only Law Enforcement Officers are required to give the Miranda Warning.

I had my first probation violation for blowing a .04 i am on probation for meth manufactoring what can happen?

It depends on how serious the probation violation is considered to be. Your violation wasn't a repeat of the offense you were on probation for, so it's really up to your probation officer. He can give you a warning and another chance, or he can have you arrested and sent to a hearing where your probation could be revoked, and you would serve out your jail sentence.

Who's idea was it to come up with this copying videos warning?

It is a legal requirement that it appear. It enables persons who violate it to be prosecuted.

If on 1 year probation can you go to jail if you violated for the first time?

Any time you violate the terms of your probation you go to jail, even if it's just to be brought before the judge to answer the violation. A violation of probation hearing is held in court, and can be tried although not before a jury, and guilt beyond a reasonable doubt need not be proven -- just by a preponderance of evidence, for such violation to be proven. The outcome of such a hearing may range from a return to probation with a warning from the judge, to a revocation of probation and a sentence to a jail term not exceeding a term for which the original crime for which the person went on probation is punishable by. It should be noted that no credit for the time on probation is given against the term of incarceration. For example if you are on probation for a year, for a crime punishable by a year in jail, and your probation is violated after 11 months and 26 days, you could go to jail, still, for that year, minus whatever time you already spent in jail. The outcome may depend on what the probation officer recommends, what the prosecutor will recommend, and what the terms you violated were. A charge of a new offense has a heavy impact. Your probation could be modified to include more terms, or more probation time, or could be altogether revoked as mentioned above.

Why do they need a FBI warning about copying videos?

.... Because it is illegal? And a huge criminal offense if you are caught.

How long is a criminal trespass warning good for?

less than a year