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No one but you can say what "too big" means for you.

Me I don't think so. Unless all riding you do is loads of short, all out sprints and high-intensity climbs, bicycling is generally a lot more about endurance than outright sprints. And endurance athletes rarely get very big.

Do a net search for pro cyclists and marathon runners and see if you can find anyone looking bulky in there.


oh my gosh yes! after a month of cycling i saw that my calves got bigger but if you don't want to have big calves do something else besides cycling like swimming it's a full body workout and you don't get all sweaty.

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Q: Does cycling make your calf muscle too big?
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The soleus muscle is the big muscle at the back of the calf. This muscle is what supports the leg during walking, standing, and running.

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The calf is made of what two major muscle?

The 2 Main muscles are: (1.) Gastrocnemius is the muscle on the back of your calf, as well as the (2.) soleus muscle which lies under the gastrocnemius muscle. (The tibalis anterior and peroneus longus are also calf muscles.)

Are tendons lumps against the bone?

Not necessarily, tendons attach the muscle to the bone, so when your muscles contract they move your bones causing body movement, for example, your Achilles tendon attaches the gastrocnemius (big outer calf muscle) and soleus (inner calf muscle) to your calcaneous (heel), and when they contract, you take a step. Now that is not all that makes you take a step, but you get the idea anyway.

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That all depends how much calf-muscle exercising you do. If you do Pointe, your whole leg will get strong--but not bulky. Ballet doesn't really give you hulking muscles.

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There are different variables as to why. First of all, I hope the calf was born alive. It could've been that it tore the birth canal opening as his head emerged. This can happen if the calf is either big or has a big head.

How Big is Gavins calf?

3.14 feet

How big is the Achilles heel?

The Achilles TENDON is on the back of your ankle and runs up to your calf muscle. It depends on the height of the person as to the length. Achilles' heel was probably the same size as everyone else's.

Does bicycling work your butt?

Kinda-sorta. Cycling is more about endurance than strength, so it usually don't build much muscle. And it is an excellent way to get some aerobic/cardio exercise, which can help with a weight loss scheme, which can reduce the fat content of your body, and with that, your butt size.

What is a noun for a calf?

The pronoun that takes the place of the noun calf is it.If the gender of the calf is known, the pronouns are heor she as a subject, and him or her as an object in a sentence.Example: The calf looked at us with big eyes, then it moved toward the herd.

How do you get a big calf?

There are a number of ways that you can get a big calf: 1. Buy one 2. Breed a high birthweight bull to a big cow 3. Breed a big bull to a big cow to get a big calf 4. Feed the cow high nutrient feeds throughout her gestation period, especially during the last trimester 5. Decrease phosphorus supplementation during pregnancy (this is correlated to larger birthweights)

Can you give me an example of sentence for muscle?

Some examples for the word "muscle" are as follows:The muscle inside my calf hurts.I think I stretched a muscle in my arm.Some examples for the word "muscles" are as follows:My dad has big muscles.Does that powder that claims to build your muscles really work?My muscles are aching from our hike yesterday.Or use scientific ways like "the rhomdoideus major is used when the arm is lowered against a resistence such as paddling a canoe.