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negative. I'm not sure what a feedback loop effect is but i know that the more you chop, the more air we lose, the more animals lose their homes, the less air our cows have to make my burgers!

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Q: Does deforestation create a positive or negative feedback loop effect?
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How does a neuron create a positive feedback loop?

through what can be seen as the domino effect. when depolarization opens sodium ion channel and that results to the opening of more sodium ion channels. this creates a positive feedback loop.

What is the difference between positive strand and negative strand viruses?

A positive strand virus is immediately contagious. A negative strand virus has to create proteins to convert into a positive strand virus. it is not contagious until it becomes a positive strand.

What is an example of a homeostatic feedback mechanism?

There are numerous examples of homeostatic mechanisms. One of the best examples is found in warm blooded animals, which have a system to maintain their internal temperature. Essentially, they sweat to release heat, and constrict their blood vessels to preserve heat.

How does the membrane generate voltage to create a membrane potential?

All cells have voltages across their plasma membranes. Voltage is electrical potential energy, which is a separation of opposite charges. The Cytoplasm of a cell is negative compared to extracellular fluid because of an unequal distribution of anions and cations which are on opposite sides of the membrane. The voltage created by that is is called the Membrane Potential. Which usually ranges from about -50 to -200 millivolts. The inside of the cell is negative compared to the outside, the why the they have the minus signs.

What blood type can produce blood O?

The parents could be a dominant A with an o and a dominant B with an o. The A and B are dominant, and the o's are recessive. The children can get 2 o's, one from each parent and they would then have o blood type.

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Context language consists of words that create positive or negative associations

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When you rub one object with another, electrons can transfer from one object to the other. This can create a build-up of static electricity, causing objects to become charged. Friction between the objects can also generate heat.

What often happens when you rub one objects with another objects?

it depends on the charge...if it is positive on a negative they create static if it is positive on a positive or a negative on a negative...nothingAnother view:The friction develops heat.

How does a neuron create a positive feedback loop?

through what can be seen as the domino effect. when depolarization opens sodium ion channel and that results to the opening of more sodium ion channels. this creates a positive feedback loop.

Is create a positive connotation?

The word has evolved to have many different meanings, and it can have either a positive or negative connotation

Did the bataan death march create a positive or negative thing?

The Bataan Death March was wholly negative .

What is positive eight minus negative 3?

When you have to subtract a negative number, the two negatives cancel each other out to create a positive. So really, your question is what is positive 8 plus positive 3.

Context language consists of words that create positive or negative associations?

Context language refers to words or phrases that influence the perception of a message or situation based on their positive or negative connotations. These associations can affect how people interpret information and can influence their emotions or attitudes towards a subject. It is important to be mindful of context language to convey messages effectively and accurately.

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To create positive experiences opportunities and develop service, users should be allowed an opportunity to leave their feedback once they finish transacting business.

Can a positive blood and a negative blood create a positive?

lol dude i thnk that only works in math class bro.

What is the Literary definition of negative-positive?

Technique used to create a positive image through the use of an intermediary neagative one