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Yes. The final step of digestion occur in cell lining of the digestive tract.

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Q: Does digestion occur in cell lining of digestive tract?
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Is there epithelial in the digestive system?

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Where does mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur along the digestive tract?

Mechanical Digestion happens in the mouth where your food is physically broken down. Chemical digestion happens in your intestines, where enzymes break down and absorb nutirients

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GI tract, GIT, digestive tract, digestion tract, alimentary canal

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The digestive tract is renewed every 3-5 days.

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The gastrointestinal tract uses both chemical and mechanical digestion.

What is the overall function of the digestive tract?

The digestive tract basically breaks down the macromolecules into monomers to be absorbed into the body. Various enzymes are involved in the process of digestion. Digestive tract in humans starts from the mouth and ends at anus.

How digestion happens in human body?

Through the digestive tract look it up...

What organ works with the digestive tract to release chemicals that aid in digestion?

The Pancreas.

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What is the site of final digestion?

In a human's digestive tract, the final site of digestion is the small intestine.