

Does dirt absorb heat fastr than water?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Does dirt absorb heat fastr than water?
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A sponge definitely does have the ability to absorb heat. Sponges absorb heat as well as many other things like water.

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What does water obsorb and realeas heat from?

Water absorb heat from sun. it releases heat into the air.

When does land and water absorb and lose heat?

It absorbs heat faster

Does dirt get warm or is it cold?

Dirt is just matter. It gets hot or cold based on whether energy is being added or removed from it. Earth's core is very hot, but "dirt" goes not conduct heat as fast as it can radiate heat to space (or convect heat into the atmosphere). Dirt will absorb energy from sunlight, and get warm. Dirt will lose any moisture it has, which will tend to cool the dirt. Dirt will support decomposition of buried biomass, which will tend to heat the dirt.

When sweat evaporates and the the water molecules absorb heat energy why is this important?

they absorb your heat off your skin to keep you cool.

When water is evaporated heat is what?

Evaporation is an endothermic process, absorb water.

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With water been about to absorb heat water is a major plus for industries. It can go in your cars radiator for cooling the heat of the water also helps regulate the air changing temperature.

Why do you have black water in your car radiator?

to absorb heat

Does water carry high heat when evaporated?

Evaporation absorb heat from the environment.