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Most likely yes because that's how people make popcorn.

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Q: Does dried corn seeds turn into popcorn?
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What is the origin of corn kernels?

The corn kernel is the dried seed flesh from a corn plant so the kernels are dried on the cob and go hard. To turn it into popcorn however, because there is a small amount of water in the kernel, after getting very hot it expands and turns the kernel I side out o it is a mini corn explosion.

Does popcorn grow from a seed?

yes because if you buy a popcorn bag their will be seeds so if you put it in the microwave they will turn into ready popcorn

How does corn turn into popcorn?

Actually, popcorn isn't grown popcorn naturally. It is slightly dehydrated corn bits. Then, when you put it in the microwave, it heats the water in it and makes it pop because the water turns into steam, the steam tries to break loose, then it pushes against the skin and POP!

Is popcorn irreversible or reversible?

of course its irreversible because once you have cooked the popcorn you cannot turn it back into what it was and originally they were small grains of corn

How does seeesd turn into popcorn?

Inside each kernel of pop corn there is a very small amount of water. When the kernels get hot the water expanded as steam and explodes the kernel.

How do you clean popcorn makers?

Cleaning a popcorn maker is a breeze. First, you turn everything off and let it cool. Then, you simply take the internal pieces and panels that come in contact with the popcorn and oils and you rinse them with warm soapy water. All that's left is to reassemble the dry parts and make more corn!

What is inside an unpopped popcorn kernal?

moisture which makes the kernels turn into popcorn

Does popcorn turn to sugar?


Is popcorn red?

There are different colors of popcorn kernels. However once it is popped, most turn out as white popcorn as the colored kernel is blown into bits when it expands.

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How does a seed becomes dormant?

A flower seed becomes dormant over the passage of time. Flower seeds that sit over a long time and becomes dried out and shriveled, it will cease to be effective and will turn dormant.