

Does drinking alcohol of any sort slow reflexes?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Does drinking alcohol of any sort slow reflexes?
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Does drinking alcohol of any sort slow reflexes decrease forgetfulness heightens judgments or reduce risk taking behaviors?

slows reflexes

Medical researchers have found that drinking alcohol of any sort?

A)Slows reflexes B)Heightens judgment C)Decreases forgetfulness D)Reduces risk-taking behaviors The answer is A, because alcohol is a depressant it slows down to your brain function.

How do you drink alcohol safely?

Well you should always pace yourself when drinking. And if your not drinking to get really drunk and throw up then I wouldn't start out with shots. Alcohol does damage your liver when drinking in large amounts but you shouldn't have to worry about that too much unless your pouring liquor. Also if your taking any prescribed pills of any sort it will intensify when drinking.. But as far as being safe while drunk.. please dont drive, operate machinery, or anything of that sort. A few beers wont hurt ya. Be safe, have fun :)

Everytime there is a consumption of alchahol no matter how much it always results in diahrea the next day why?

Its actually your intestines decaying and being removed from your body. The only way to live without dieing in a year is toSTOP DRINKING alcohol!In all reality, you probably just have some sort of intolerance to alcohol. The best thing you can probably do is to stop drinking alcohol if you can. If you can't for some reason, you should probably see a doctor. But don't worry, your intestines wouldn't rot just because you are drinking alcohol!

Is drinking allowed in Sikhism?

No. Infact no religion says to drink alchohol.

Will drinking wine 2 days before a drug and alcohol test make you fail?

No, drinking wine the night before any sort of drug test will not interfere with it. A hair test allows the tester check for drug use over a very long period of time, the only way to mess up the test is to shave your head!

What helps people from drinking alcohol?

anti-buse is a medication percribed by a doctor to reverse the need in the brain for a drink, but you must be in some sort of treatment program before a doctor will perscribe it to you, if it is taking with alcohol it will make you throw it up instantly, and stays in the body for up to thirty days.

Sort-term effects of alcohol?

bad spelling

Was joes death related to alcohol consumption?

Sort of.

Is drinking beer at 18 years old okay?

It really does not matter how old you are. What you see as wrong is okay for others and vice versa. While I personally do not care what age people are when they drink others (policy makers) do. I have gone drinking and it is fun, but only as long as your not driving or otherwise endangering yourself and/or other people it should be okay.

How long after drinking alcohol should one wait to take antibiotics?

It all Depends on what kind of alcohol you drink and what kind of antibiotics you take.If your liver is generally healthy, you can begin drinking alcohol right after you stop..just be sure to be taking some sort of probiotic while you are on antibiotics or right after. Culterelle is a great choice! Alcohol may influence the absorption of anti-biotics in the system. I would wait about 3 hours before consuming alcohol.The antibiotic metronidazole can interact with alcohol to cause violent nausea and vomiting. Avoid alcohol for a couple of days after finishing a round of this medication, also known as Flagyl.

What paralyzes muscles and make them floppy and reflexes are decreased or absent?

Some sort of damage at the spinal column. The nerves leading to the muscles are damaged or severed.