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Well it depends because if you are drinking decaff no, but if you are drinking regular yes.

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Q: Does drinking coffee make you feel dizzy?
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Can coffee make a person feel dizzy and palpitate?

Please visit my blog. I have a topic about that.

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no its terrible for you. it will make you feel weak and dizzy 24/7

Can marijuana make you dizzy?

It can reduce blood pressure which can make you dizzy. As it also heightens the senses, when you get dizzy and then focus on it, the effect of the powerful mind can then make it feel worse.

Can high voltage light dirrectly to your eyes make you feel dizzy?

It is true that high voltage light directly to eyes, can make someone feel dizzy.

Does drinking coffee after drinking alcohol make any difference?

No coffee doesn't make you sober. It will just make you a hyper drunk. That was an old wives tale.

Does eating bacon and drinking coffee affect you?

Well, bacon being quite a fatty food, if eaten a lot could cause a change in weight. And caffeine (an ingredient if coffee) can be slightly addictive and make one feel sick or tired without it. Coffee can make someone feel more awake.

Can you give a sentence with the word dizzy?

If I drink too much wine I feel dizzy. Spinning in circles will make you dizzy. I get so dizzy, I see stars!

Why does caffeine calm down meh instead of making meh crash into being tired?

First, check your spelling. It's me not meh. I have the same issue, coffee doesn't make me crash. Maybe it's the coffee you're drinking, how often you drink it, when, or how do you feel before you're drinking the coffee.

Can dizziness be caused by diet sodas?

Yes and if this is all that you are drinking and not eating it will make you dizzy.

Does coffee affect a persons mood?

Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and colas, is a stimulant. It can cause anxiety and insomnia. It can also make you feel jittery or restless. Drinking too much can certainly affect your mood. It is also a diuretic, and can make you feel more thirsty!

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Can coffee make you feel less hungry?

It won't stop hunger. Coffee is a diuretic it pulls the water out of your body. The hunger you feel is from the caffeine and hose down lose. Caffeine makes your body burn more energy and the wet lose dehydrates your muscles. Try drinking more water and working out. But from my own experience, no. Coffee fills you up. Your basically drinking a meal. Coffee is a stimulant, it does what is said above.