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Probably not the best idea considering Kool-Aid wasn't meant for that purpose. Purchasing regular hair dye would be a lot less risky.

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13y ago

i would recomend kool ade

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Q: Does dying hair with Kool aid work?
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What kind of infections does kool-aid bring for dying your hair with the kool aid?

it brings alot of diseases alot of times it bring skin cancer, palinoma, it might mke your hair fall out permanantly

Does mixing kool aid with conditioner have a better effect on dying your hair?

No, But Mixing That With Dish soap Works.

Can you go in the pool after dying your hair with Kool-Aid?

No. The color won't stay and the chemicals in the pool will react to it.

Can you dye your hair with kool aid one day and then the next day to get more color in your hair?

yuck, why would wash you hair in kool-aid? What about wasps?

How do you get kool aid out of the ends of your hair?

Wash your hair. The Kool-Aid will dissolve and rinse away during any shampoo.

Does cool aid come out of your hair?

Kool Aid does indeed come out of a person's hair. Kool Aid is used to dye hair wild colors that may not be found in stores, but it is not a permanent hair dye.

How do you wash kool aid out of hair when it is done and you have to wash your hair please help?

If you are in the dying process: you just wash it out with shampoo If you are trying to get rid of it: idk, let it fade

Hot pink kool aid temporary hair?

Trying to find out about how to make the kool aid hot pink...

Why kool Aid is stain hair?

It overlaps the color you have so if you have a blonde or a very light color it is possible for the kool aid to stain your hair because there is no color in your hair already

Can you dye you hair with kool aid when its wet?

Yes but it won't work as well, the color won't be as distinct.

Does kool-aid highlights damage your hair?

No Kool aid does not damage your hair. It will wash out in less than a month. it is the least damaging thing you can do to your hair. It is less damaging than hair straightners.

Can you dye your hair with hawaiian punch?

If you buy the Sugar Free Hawaiian Punch Singles To Go, they work just the same as Kool-Aid because they have the EXACT same ingredients. Just make sure you use hot water when dying your hair.