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MAYBE but i think no. It just makes you healthy.

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Q: Does eating cauliflower have an effect on the inr?
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Does honey change your INR results?

According to THIS abstract, it looks as if honey does have an inhibitory effect on blood clotting. Check with your doctor before you start eating a lot of honey. A spoonful now and then shouldn't change INR though.

What are the benefits of eating cauliflower?

Lots of vitamin C

What effect does acetaminophen have on your inr?

Acetaminophen can increase the results of your INR, meaning your blood would be thinner. You should consult with your physician regarding Tylenol usage as the frequency of testing your PT/INR may need to be increased. However, Tylenol generally has a limited effect on INR's. Consuming the maximum dosage of 4g (4000mg) generally effects the INR very little.

Can a turtle eat cauliflower?

Yes, I blanched some cauliflower and they ate it. I put it up in baggies and gave them a floret every other day. They had white tummies eating the cauliflower.

Can eating cauliflower cause gas or bloating?

yes It shouldn't. Perhaps the "yes" was after eating too many in one meal!

Is broccoli a countable noun?

Countable as what? Personally, I like eating cauliflower (either with or without a cheese sauce), but my wife can't stand the smell! It is another vegetable that can be added to your five a day, enjoy.

What animals eat cauliflower?

Pigs, chickens and any other animals that you feed your daily household scraps.:) Hope this helped!

What is the hierarchy of Indian currency?

its paise and rupee. 100 paises = 1 rupee. 1 Rupee / ! INR 2 INR 5 INR 10 INR 20 INR 50 INR 100 INR 500 INR and 1000 INR are std buds available.

How about eating cauliflower is it really dangerous?

The axiom "Moderation in ALL things" is ESPECIALLY PERTINENT to the consumption of cauliflower as it tends to generate HUGE AMOUNTS of intestinal GAS, the exhaustion of which CAN BE quite embarrassing, if not downright DISTURBING.

What is plural of cauliflower?

the plural of cauliflower is cauliflower As in "I have tons of cauliflower'

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