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Q: Does everbody have to observe the fast during Ramadan?
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What will happen if without a reason you do not fast during Ramadan?

In Hadis (Allaha tala kami bashi mafe kare) If a person do not observe fast in Ramzan without any reason . He will not cover of Sawab that fast even he observe fast his holl life

Do you observe Ramadan when pregnant?

If it has any effect on you or your baby then it is not compulsory to practice it, but you still have to fast for the days you didn't fast after the holy Month of Ramadan

In Ramadan can a person fast if they drink alicohal?

Ramadan is a Muslim holy time. Only Muslims observe the fast during Ramadan. The fast preculdes observant Muslims from eating or drinking anything between sunrise and sunset. Muslims don't drink alcohol. So, no, it would be wrong for a Muslim to drink alcohol at any time, including Ramadan.

What is the name of the month during which Muslim fast?

The answer is..... Ramadan

Do air pilots fast on duty during Ramadan?

They can eat after sundown during Ramadan.

What is the name of the month that Muslims fast in?

Ramadan is a month of obligatory daily fasting in Islam. It is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar.The month of Ramadan.

How do you make sentence out of the word Ramadan?

During Ramadan, people of the Muslim faith fast during the hours of daylight.

How do muslums break their fast during Ramadan how is the end or Ramadan celebrated?

Muslims only fast while the sun is up during the month of Ramadan. All other times they can eat, drink, etc.

Does nail polish affect your fast during ramadan?


In what religion is Ramadan celebrated?

Ramadan is not a religion, it is a month within the Islamic calendar.

What are instructions for women during Ramadan while on monthly period cycle?

The woman is not allowed in Ramadan to fast or to perform the ritual praying during her menstruation (monthly period cycle). However, she should fast after Ramadan, as soon as she can, to compensate for the same number of days that she didn't fast in Ramadan. No compensation for the missed praying is required.

Where do Muslims fast during Ramadan?

Muslims do not have to go to any special place to fast.