

Does every hair grow half feet long in a month?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No, hair grows a half inch per month, not a half foot.

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Q: Does every hair grow half feet long in a month?
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hair grows an inch every month

How fast does the hair on your head grow every month?

On the average, hair grows at the rate of one half inch per month.

Does your hair grow every day?

Yes. Hair grows approximately 1 inch per month.

How do you grow your hair very long and thick?

To start off you want to just let your hair grow. Get it cut once month or every other month. Let you hair air dry, and do not straighten. You can use volumizing shampoo to make it thick. ( You can look up hair mixtures as well...) If you do all this, and let your hair grow for 2 years without ever getting more than an inch cut off every month/ every other month, then you will have your wish of long and thick hair.

How long does your hair normally grow each month?

About 1 inch every month if you brush it and take care of it :D

Wil hair grow if you cut hair every month?

minimum hair growth is half an inch per month if u cut half an inch pre month in the sense it maintains same length

When does your hair grow every month?

on the 15th day it starts growing don't ask me why but that's the answer ;)

Fast hair growth?

Do not trim your hair every month! although a lot of people say this helps with growth it does not! trim your hair every 6 months, that way it has had time to actually grow as your hair grows about half an inch every month and 6 inches every year. only trim your hair if completely needed!

How do you grow long hair quickly?

Hair grows at about a half inch every month. Using Vitamin E on the hair or eating it can help the hair start to grow faster. Another way is to wash the hair regularly and condition it.

How long should your hair be in 5 months?

Your hair will grow about five inches in five months. Hair generally grows about an inch to an inch and a half every month.

How much faster does your hair grow if you use formula 37?

It grows 2-4 inches every month.

How do you grow your hair 3 inches in one month?

vaseline your hair twice a month