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No. Everything in our world is four dimensions. 3 dimensions of space, and 1 dimension of time.

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Q: Does everything in world exist in three dimension?
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What is the dimension that we see in?

What do you mean? We live, breathe, are active - and see - in a three-dimensional world.

Make a sentence using the word dimension?

Many people believe that the physical world has only three dimensions but others have argued that Time is the fourth dimension.

Is a dimension a parallel world?

Yes. At least, that's more or less one of the meanings of the word "dimension". Mind you, that doesn't mean that such parallel worlds actually exist (they may, or may not, exist); it just means that the word is used in this sense.

Where does ideas exist according to Plato?

According to Plato, ideas exist in the realm of Forms, separate from the physical world. These Forms are eternal and unchanging, representing the true nature of reality. The physical world is merely a reflection or imperfect copy of these perfect Forms.

What are higher dimensions and what do they look like?

A higher dimension is exactly what it sounds like: a dimension that is different (higher) from length, width, and depth. Our world is in three dimensions, and a higher dimensional universe would have four or mroe dimensions.

Can you go to the fifth dimension now?

There is no such thing as a "fifth dimension" in the real world. Our world, basically, has 3 (spatial) dimensions.

In brave new world does this society practice monogamy?

Everything but. Promiscuity is the rule of the day and marriage doesn't exist

What is the 7th dimension?

It is emotional world or dream world, images in 7th dimension are getting menifested in 3 dimensional world, what science calls facts are actually effects and their causes are in 7th dimension, this is what stated in the Law of Attraction.

What is the fourth dimension?

The fourth dimension is considered time.We live in a three dimensional universe, where there is length, width, and depth. However, we can only exist at one point in time at any given moment. In the three dimensional world only our present self can exist. Hypothetically, in the fourth dimension, we can exist at all points in time, so our past, present, and future selves exist simultaneously.GeometryBut in some forms of mathematics and spatial analysis, it is possible to have an object or location within more than three dimensions, the additional dimensions existing (as does time) outside of the normal 3-dimensional space. The term "n-space" applies to any space having more than 3 dimensions.For a finite universe represented by a cube, a fourth dimension would be measured as the position of the cube along a line in any direction. Likewise, the fifth and sixth dimensions could be represented as locations or lengths along the perpendicular to the line and the perpendicular to the plane, respectively.A 4-dimensional shape based on the 3-dimensional cube is called a tesseract. The shape in further dimensions is called a hypercube.(see related link)

In which country does a triangle have three right angles?

In the country of the Fourth Dimension! In our world a triangle can have three right angles on a sphere: consider the triangle formed by the Equator, Longitude 0o and Longitude 90o.

What will it look like when this world comes to an end?

That is a question that cannot be answered. No one will live to see that, but what we do know is everything will no longer exist.

Do the halo rings really exist?

To our knowledge no. Halo rings are fictional. But, they might exist. According to the theory of some scientist who I do not yet know the name of, the universe is infinite. Therefore, there are infinite possibilities, so everything exist. In another world infinitely far away, everything is exactly the same, except I'm eating a banana while writing this. So, they do exist, if you believe that. Billions of them.