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Usually, yes they are. An Knowledge base system is used to sort out a ll database of knowledge by asking a series of simply question to get the answer you need. An expert system operates basically the same way.

The only difference might be in that an expert system tends to be a little smarter and anticipate the answer by software routines that will reject sections of knowledge you dont' need - while a knowledge base system can do that - but is normally not more than a Search engine that tries to narrow done your possible choices until you arrive at the one good answer..

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Q: Does expert system and knowledge work system are same?
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How does an expert system work?

it is the job of the expert system to know not mine

Advantages and Disadvantages of Knowledge Work System?

An advantage of a knowledge work system is the ability to leverage that knowledge against your competitors. A disadvantage is the fact that the knowledge workers can leave your organization at any time.

Is investment workstation example of a knowledge work system?

According to the book Management Information Systems by Ken Laudon and Jane Laudon, it is an example of Knowledge Work Systems.

What does KMS stand for in the computing industry?

KMS is an abbreviation for Knowledge Management System. What it does is it helps users work with its system set up many computers on the same system without having an administrative action.

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My expert says the heart.

What are the functions of knowledge work system?

knowledge work is subject to management good management can be change the productivity of knowledge work.the focus is on mental work rather than manual work or clerical work.out put of knowledge work is some form of information,concentration and attention are hall marks(characteristics)of knowledge work.they are limiting factors mare than time.

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Not to my knowledge, well i hope not, i work with it everyday :/

What are differences between weak methods and expert system technology?

There are two different approaches to problem-solving and decision-making: weak methods and expert system technology. Let's examine the main distinctions between these two ideas: 1. Information Base: Weak Methods: Weak methods may not be domain-specific because they rely on broad principles and rules. To make decisions based on the information at hand, they frequently use statistical methods and algorithms. There isn't much domain-specific knowledge base for these techniques. Expert System Technology: A solid knowledge base with domain-specific expertise is the foundation upon which expert systems are constructed. In order to provide answers and make decisions, they synthesise the knowledge of human experts in a given field. 2. Domain Particularity: Weak Methods: Weak methods can be used in a variety of problem-solving situations and are generally domain-agnostic. They don't call for in-depth expertise in any particular field. Technology of Expert Systems: Expert systems are extremely specialised. They are made to be particularly good at certain fields, like engineering, finance, or medicine, where they simulate how human experts make decisions. 3. Representation of Knowledge: Weak Methods: Weak methods frequently use statistical techniques, heuristics, or mathematical models to represent knowledge in a more abstract and general way. Compared to expert systems, the knowledge representation is less explicit. Technology of Expert Systems: Expert systems make explicit and accessible domain-specific knowledge through the use of formalisms and languages for knowledge representation. Usually, this knowledge is expressed as facts, rules, and inference engines. 4. Adaptability and Learning: Weak Methods: Weak methods frequently have a lower learning capacity than expert systems, despite having the capacity to learn from data and adjust to changing conditions. Technology of Expert Systems: In general, weak methods are more flexible than expert systems. They rely on established norms and knowledge. Although machine learning is used in some expert systems, most expert systems are rule-based and may not be as flexible in new circumstances. 5. Process of Making Decisions: Weak Methods: Statistical analysis and data patterns are frequently used in weak methods to make decisions. They don't always mimic how a human expert would make decisions. Expert System Technology: Within a particular field, expert systems try to imitate human experts' decision-making process. They draw conclusions by applying logic and domain-specific rules. 6. Intricacy and Evolution Moment: Weak Methods: Because weak methods don't require a lot of knowledge engineering or domain-specific expertise, they are frequently easier to implement and take less time to develop. Expert System Technology: Since creating an expert system entails formalising and capturing domain-specific knowledge, it can be difficult and time-consuming. Knowledge engineers and domain experts must work together to accomplish this. #webdevelopmentcompanyindharuhera #webdesigningcompany #delhi #webdevelopmentcompanyinindia

What does a forensic psychologist do?

A forensic psychologist applies psychological knowledge, theory and skills to matters related to the legal and criminal justice system. They provide expert opinion to the courts in such matters as criminal behaviour, child abuse and family court cases. Depending on where you work and who you work for, a forensic psychologist can make anywhere from $80,000/ year.

List the difference between OAS and KWS?

OAS(office automation system)is based on worker who share information and not creating new knowledge. (word processing,emel,spreadsheet) KWS(knowledge work system)is a system that aid professional worker such as scientist,engineer to develop new knowledge in and organization (computer-aided design system,virtual system)

How does a turtles nervous system work?

Same as a humans

What is apprenticeship?

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