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Q: Does fiber increase the absorption of both calcium and iron?
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The absorption of calcium increases during pregnancy because?

both high levels of the active form of vitamin D enhance calcium absorption and high levels of estrogen enhance calcium absorption are true

What deficiency disease could be caused by dietary fiber?

If you eat a recommended amount of fiber, especially from vegetables, as part of a balanced diet, it will cause no problems. But if you get too much fiber, it can inhibit your body's successful absorption of some minerals, such as iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium. Also some people make the mistake of substituting the fiber-foods for protein-foods or others. You should get both.

Is it true or false that Vitamin C enhances the absorption of both iron and calcium from their food sources?


Why does Calcium absorption decline in the elderly?

Calcium absorption declines in the elderly because: Answer Vitamin D and estrogen both aid in calcium absorption. 20 minutes of sun exposure should be sufficient to get a body's daily recommended dose of Vitamin D.* Decrease of estrogen in menopausal women inhibits a body's ability to absorb calcium. Calcium supplements should be taken in small 500mg doses, with meals, three times a day to allow sufficient absorption.** *Always use sunscreen. **Consult with your doctor before beginning a vitamin supplement regimen.

How is vitamin C related to calcium?

Calcium is considered a mineral, nutritionally. Vitamin D aids the body in calcium absorption. Either way, they're both important for healthy bones!

Characteristics shared by iron and zinc?

They are both a type of metal. and both can be administered into the body. Some people use Iron and Zinc in vitamins. Also smart peoplle have more iron and zinc in their hair.

What is a polysaccharide made by plants that humans cannot digest?

Fibre is a carbohydrate that the body cannot break down. It is very important for functionality of the digestive system and to control glucose absorption and other functions that we are learning about. Fibre is in a form of soluble and insolubles. Both are needed and beneficial to our bodies

What is the purpose of the microvilli in the proximal convoluted tubule?

Microvilli are the finger like projections present on the outer surface of the cell. Their function is to increase the surface area of the cells through which the diffusion of materials both into and out of the cell occur. They are also involved in absorption, secretion and cellular adhesion.

Greater Absorption with All Natural Vitamins?

All natural vitamins differ from others by presenting the micro-nutrients in a form closest to that found in whole and raw foods. They also combine minerals and vitamins that are naturally absorbed better in combination, while leaving out those that can block absorption. This latter is a key point to recognize when using supplements. Calcium, for instance, will not be fully absorbed without the presence of both vitamins D and C. Calcium and iron taken together, on the other hand, will reduce absorption of both dramatically. All natural supplements will take these factors into account and result in better nutrition.

How does epinephrine increase cardiac contractility?

Adrenalin (epinephrine) and noradrenalin (epinephrine) both work in the same way to increase the contractility of cardiac myocytes.They bind to a receptor on the surface of the cell (a β GPCR), which causes the activation of adenyl cyclase. This then increases the amount of cAMP in the cell, which allows for the phosphorylation and opening of voltage-operated calcium channels. This allows an influx of calcium into the cell, triggering the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.The increase of intracellular calcium is what causes the increase in contractility. Calcium is vital for cardiac muscle contraction - as it binds troponin and therefore allows cross-bridges to form between myosin and actin. Contraction then occurs.

How the skeletal system fails?

A cancer in a part of the brain responsible for growth or a bone cancer and it can be a genetic disorder. Another is a lack of calcium and vitamin d they both work together where vitamin d helps with absorption.

Is a bag made of natural fiber or artificial fiber?

Both, actually. There are both kinds of bags available.